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-Short time skip,you got baptized woohoo. Now it's the game between Black Jackels and Schweiden Adlers, I won't say who wins for those who havent read the manga and I'll try to keep the spoilers to a minimum.-

I hitched a ride with Mei and Haru to get to the stadium since they say they didn't mind. Now that we arived I can see just how packed it's getting. Thankfully I didn't have to look far for a friendly face.

"Kait!! It's so great to see you!"

The nine month pregnant woman is standing with her and another couple that reminds me of Koutarou.

"F/n! It's nice to see you too. This is my mom Michi and Koutarous parents Tomika and Shintarou."

I shake their hands that they hold out to me. "It's nice to meet you."

"Likewise!" Miss Bokuto says.

"Mommy up!" Keiko says pulling on her mother's pants legs.

"Mommy can't Keiko, have Mimi carry you." Kait gestures to her mom.

"Come here Keiko come to Mimi."

The little girl wines but gets swooped up into her Mimi's arms making her giggle. Kait can't carry heavy things right now and that includes her daughter.

"Come now, they're about to start!" Kait grabs my hand and guides me and her family through the crowd.

"But Mei and Haru!"

She continues pulling me with her "they're on our side so they are probably already there."

By the time she's finished we are in the stands in our seats.

I notice Mei and Haru are beside us.

Kait sighs as she sits the places a hand on her belly. "Ow, that wasn't very nice."

I eye her as she looks uncomfortable "are you okay?"

She nods "I'm fine, Koharu is just alittle restless it seems. Oh look it's starting."

I look around to see the stands already filled up.

"And so it begins."

-time skip until after the game-

I took notice rather quickly that Kait wasn't as active as she was before and she kept holding her stomach. We now stand by the entrance conversing with Mei, Haru, mister and misses Bokuto. Koutarou is in the interview room with one of his old friends which I think his names Akaashi.

Suddenly I hear Kait gasp she takes hold of my arm. I turn my attention to her and my eyes widen. All the way down her jeans is wet.

"Oh no.. M-Mother!" Kait gains her mother's attention who's carrying Keiko.

"Oooooh dear, I'll call an ambulance."

"Mommy potty?" Keiko asks pointing to Kait

"N-no Keiko—owwwe!"

I quickly take off my coat and tie it around her waist.

"I'd hate to make a scene!"

I frown at here "your in labor you don't exactly have a choice."

She nods and starts doing her breathing "I need my husband! Somone go and get him!"

I look around to see if I can find one of his teammates to which I find the orange jumping bean.


Hearing his name he jogs over. He immediately takes in Kaits pain stricken face.

"What's wrong?! Wait don't tell me?!! I'll go get Bokuto-San!!"

And with that he runs off. Michi has already called an ambulance and I'm just here for moral support. To be honest she's squeezing my arm alittle too hard.

In an instant Koutarou is here at at his wife's side.

"I'm here Kittie!"

Kait reaches into her purse and holds out her car key to him. "Please go get the diaper bag and my other things.  This baby is coming owwwewee"

Koutarou takes the keys and kisses his wife's head before running off into the massive parking lot.

I look around to see reporters trying to get a take on what's happening. I frown.

"Are you serious? Cameras?"

Kait winces "ignore them."

Not long after that Koutarou returns with two bags.

"Koutarou I'll take those, we will follow behind the ambulance." Michi takes the bags from him."

"You called an ambulance? Good there's no way to get out of this place fast with out one."

"D-does she need to sit down?" Hinata asks not sure what to do. Just then we catch ear of the ambulance sirens.

The crowd drifts to the entrance

Kait unties my jacket and hands it back to me. "Thank you."

The ambulance pulls out front by the entrance and starts unloading the gurney.

Kaits eyes widened when Koutarou picks her up up bridal style, he meets them half way placing her on the gurney.

"Are you the father?" One ambulance worker asks.

"I am."

"Then you can come with us in the ambulance. Let's go."

Without any further talk they load Kait and Koutarou into the ambulance and drive off.

"Let's follow behind." Michi tell the Bokuto's.

"Ma I wanna be there!" Atsumu says with Sakusa following behind him.

"Normally I detest hospitals but their family." Sakusa says straight face. Hinata steps up beside me. "I want to go too!"

Mei sighs "I'll take you all up there. F/n are you okay with that? I could take you home first."

I shake my head "n-no I'd like to be there too."

"I warn you it can take a while to birth a baby then again I'm sure she's half way there by the look of her." Michi is trying to tell them it could take hours.

"We're going." They say together.

"Okay let's load up."

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