six paintings one frame part 1

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"We got a case,"

Yasmin blinked, two cups in her hands as Katsumoto threw on his jacket. "Hello to you too Katsumoto, yes my day was lovely, I've almost recovered from being hit in the head with a gun, how are you?"

Katsumoto just shook his head at her. "We've got a robbery-homicide: Jack Candler is the victim."

"Jack Candler?" Yasmin repeated as she followed him to his car. "Oh, this is for you by the way."

Katsumoto took the cup from her with a raised eyebrow, keeping a steady pace. "You trying to bribe me?"

"You wound me Detective," Yasmin pressed her free hand to her chest. "I can't do something nice for you?"

"Yeah, that's not suspicious at all," Despite his words, Katsumoto opened the door for her before going around to the driver's side.

"Did you know Jack Candler?"

"Because we're both British, it means we automatically know each other?" Yasmin couldn't help but snark as she buckled herself in.

Katsumoto shot her a look and she sighed. "No, I've unfortunately never met him: I heard about him, but our paths never crossed."

"I'm assuming the robbery has something to do with his art collection?"

Katsumoto nodded. "It looks like Candler interrupted the theft; all of the artwork is gone."

They pulled up to Candler's building, ignoring the reporters that were constantly asking for questions as Katsumoto showed his badge to the doorman before taking the elevator up to the penthouse.


Katsumoto greeted the medical examiner crouched next to the body as they got off the elevator. Noelani looked up, her expressions becoming slightly warm as her gaze slid over to Yasmin.

"Yasmin, how nice to see you again!"

"Always good to see you, Dr. Cunha," Yasmin replied brightly before blinking, glancing down at the body. "Well, maybe not good for him."

"Do we have a rough time of death?" Katsumoto interrupted and Noelani's expression became serious.

"Last night, between ten and eleven pm; likely happened right after all his guests had left," Noelani gestured over her shoulder. "Also, the household manager, James Chen, said he needed to talk to you."

Yasmin followed her gaze to where a man was talking to an officer; his hands were waving around, and he was clearly agitated.

His boss was just killed, so agitation was understandable.

He turned just as they approached, and he quickly walked away from the officer. "Are you the detectives?"

Katsumoto and Yasmin shared a look before Katsumoto pulled out his badge. "Detective Katsumoto, this is Yasmin Knight, you needed to talk to us?"

"Yeah, I do, because I know who did this."

That's a first, Yasmin couldn't help but think and Katsumoto had an unreadable expression as he stated, "Please explain, Mr. Chen."

"We had a security consultant come in, recommended to us by Robin Masters, he tested our security systems during the party and wrote up a full report."

"Robin Masters, the author?" Yasmin couldn't help but ask, ignoring the look Katsumoto shot her. "He writes the White Knight series."

"He and Jack have been friends for a long time," Chen replied, shaking his head. "Detective, the thief got in the exact same way that security consultant did: same methods, everything."

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