do no harm part 1

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Moonlight illuminated the streets of Honolulu as a woman hurriedly walked towards her car, looking over her shoulder nervously every few minutes.

A loud noise made her stop and fully turn around, seeing nothing but darkness. She looked around for a few moments before calling out, "Is someone there?"

She got no response beyond sirens and after a moment's pause, turned to resume her walk, a heavy sigh escaping her as she ran a hand through her hair.

She froze as a dark figure stepped out from the shadows, eyes widening in panic.

Then someone was behind her, a hand covering her mouth and she struggled, tried to fight then there was a sharp pain and her eyes started to grow heavy.

The last thing she saw before darkness overtook her was a masked figure walking menacingly towards her.



Juliet opened her eyes, turning her head slightly as Yasmin fell onto her mat, wincing slightly before laughter overtook her when Zeus and Apollo hurried over to say hello.

"Seriously Juliet, how do you make that look so easy?"

Yasmin questioned, glancing over before smiling when Zeus gave her a lick. "Yes, you are a good boy, aren't you?"

Juliet shook her head, placing her left foot on the ground before walking over to hold out a hand, which Yasmin took gratefully as she was pulled to her feet while Zeus and Apollo wandered off.

"You were doing quite well, really," Yasmin shot Juliet a disbelieving look but Juliet nodded her head. "Remember the goal is to be relaxed, in whatever pose is easiest for you, why don't you try the cobra pose?"

Yasmin nodded, taking a deep breath before she laid on her stomach, stretching her upper half and closing her eyes,


Yasmin's eyes popped open while Juliet groaned next to her as the sound of barking came closer, glancing over her shoulder in time for Magnum to come barrelling towards them like the hounds of hell were after him—which, to be fair, Zeus and Apollo certainly could pass for them as they appeared right on his heels.

"Apologies, Yasmin," Juliet grumbled before getting to her feet—effortlessly, Yasmin noted with envy—before putting two fingers in her mouth and whistling loud enough for Zeus and Apollo to stop in their pursuit of Magnum and trotting over to their owner, tags wagging happily.

Magnum exhaled sharply, hands on his knees as he bent over to catch his breath. "One of these days, Higgins, those beasts are menaces to society; they're vicious little..."

He trailed off as Apollo and Zeus made their way over to Yasmin, panting heavily as she bent down to scratch them behind the ears. "Come on, I've known these dogs for how long and yet they just roll over like puppies for Yasmin?"

"She is more likeable than you," Juliet remarked dryly with her mouth turned upwards as Yasmin arched an eyebrow.

"Maybe they think you're like an oversized toy with a motor that they can chase."

Juliet let out a laugh at that while Magnum shook his head. "Very funny, look I—is that someone's phone?"

Yasmin paused, eyes widening as the very familiar notes of a particular ringtone began playing and she hurried over to where her bag had been set aside, digging around.

"Is that Holding out for a Hero?" Juliet questioned, tilting her head in amusement as Yasmin answered the phone.

"Katsumoto, this is Yasmin reporting for duty,"

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