𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫: 𝟏

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"Would you fascinate me, Y/n?"


"If you could transfer your current mind to your past self..."


"How would you have lived diversely?"


"What would you have changed to end your perpetual pain?"


"And... Would you be willing to forget all the times we spent together?"

A good night's sleep was never a friend to Y/n. In all his life, he's seen slumber as an enemy. An adversary that brought perpetual memories of his past life he abhorrent. A foe who used nightmares to remind him of reality.


That would be a representation of the sleep Y/n would give. Slumber was discontent with him - making him hold bitterness towards those who were never plagued with nightmares of their past.

It was rather seldom for Y/n to sleep through the whole night. And even when he did, the same routine would start the moment he woke up. His eyes would open with his scarred hands meeting his stare.

In his view, the scene is humorous. Y/n would gaze at his hands covered in scars, each one telling stories of his past life. A life he vehemently despised. To make things adequate, he would head into the bathroom to get ready, only to stare at his scarred face as well.

Sleep is beautiful, yet a torture.

Perhaps the sedentary state of mind and body isn't for him. This brings us to the current state he is in.

A low sigh escaped Y/n's lips as his e/c opened wide, his mouth feeling dry, and the uncomfortable feeling of his bedsheets covered in sweat. Staring at the ceiling with a gaze one would wonder if it was speaking to him, he steadied his breathing before sitting up.

His eyes scanned the entirety of the large room, a habit he always did whenever he woke up. The large room he shared with his roommate was the same, with no changes, and no new things.

It was a routine; a fixed program to stare at his surroundings in hopes of finding anything that would ease him. And yet there was none - nothing to aid - pointless to assist with the trauma.

"Everything alright, Y/n?"

A voice knocked him out of his rumination, bringing him back to reality, once again. Out of the corner of his eye, he gazed at the source of the voice, or rather, staring at his roommate.

At the far right wall of the room lay a certain gorgon beanie user on his bed, looking as if he was stoned out of his mind, however, he peered at Y/n with slight concern.

Y/n didn't reply, instead, he swung his legs over his bed as his feet made contact with the cool surface. Briefly closing his eyes, he exhaled a deep breath before standing up.

A grimace look appeared on his face the moment he stared at his bedsheets covered in sweat - looks like he would have to wash them in the morning. Again.

He shook his head, stretching as audible pops were heard, earning a satisfying low sigh from him. The h/c male noticed he was shirtless, feeling the cool air attack the sweat on his upper body.

"Going out again?" his roommate's voice asked.


Putting on a shirt from his drawer, Y/n turned his attention toward his gorgon roommate.

𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗜 𝗪𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝗜𝘀 𝗬𝗼𝘂 (Wednesday x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now