𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫: 𝟒

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Night. The period of perpetual darkness that blanket's one side of the planet. A period of ambient darkness from sunset to sunrise. The time when the moon awakens in all its glory, unveiling itself in the darkness as a beacon of light.

Perhaps that would be an interpretation people would give of night.

For Wednesday, the night was her ataraxy. Her calmness. A serenity she admire since the time of her childhood. Indeed, the night is a camaraderie with her.

This was her way of assisting the ail to disperse that plagued her all day. She wanted this - no - she needed this walk. Inside the building, she felt nothing but turbulent emotions wash over her. To control her. Her emotions held jurisdiction.

All of that dissipated the moment she stepped into the Pentagon. The pure black of the night was her comfort, a benevolent cover that keeps her safe. That was all needed to represent the serenity of Wednesday Addams.

Her shoes made contact with the flat slab beneath her, echoing in her surroundings, as her footsteps created a rhythm that was music to her ears.

The goth girl calmly strolled through the right side of the Pentagon, seeming in no rush to leave. She gazed at the picturesque night sky, ignoring the pillars that passed by as she continue her stroll.

The moon, a glowing white, emerged large, neighbored by an ethereal glow. The sight was almost hypnotizing for Wednesday; as she was having a hard time retracting her gaze. It was even more arduous when the night sky became a gathering place for the stars - the twinkling stars were like lanterns in a pitch-black hallway. Adding a unique beauty to the sky.

The night's aroma diffuses the air, and entwines into a soft net, covering all the scenery inside. The cold breeze kisses her pale skin, oscillating her dark braided pigtails.

Truly, this was riveting.

She closed her eyes, letting out a long exhale; as if all of her problems and conflicts resided in her lungs; she let it all out. This was reassuring and relaxing. And being alone added more to her calmness.

Or so she thought.

Wednesday was heedless of her surroundings until her gaze landed on a figure a couple of feet from her. Bewilderment washed over her as she squinted her eyes to stare at the figure.

He was calm, hellaciously calm for someone out here late at night. As if he was undisturbed by anything around him. Thought, his posture told a different story. He stood tall with his hands inside his pockets - staring at the night sky as she did earlier.

Wednesday wasn't doltish, she knew he was on guard, like her. The untroubled posture was all a facade - a bait. He seemed untroubled, yet would strike at you in a blink of an eye before you can reach him.

He was aware of his surroundings - cognizant of the environment. And that is proven when his voice called out to her, knocking Wednesday out of her contemplation.

"Are you done peering at me?" 

Wednesday was taken aback by his voice, predominantly the way it sounded. It lacked emotions - detached from any sentiment. The phlegmatic sound managed to catch her off guard. Something that hasn't happened in a long time.

Regaining her senses, Wednesday replied in her stoic voice. "I was simply gazing at the intruder who disrupted my walk."

"Perhaps you should get your eyesight checked. If you were acumen enough, you would have observed I was here first." Y/n flatly replied.

Wednesday felt the reply unknowingly sting as a small scowl plastered her face. "Are you claiming I'm blind for not being conscious of your presence?"

"Not a claim. It was a simple response. You might want to check on your failed supposition." Y/n retorted.

𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗜 𝗪𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝗜𝘀 𝗬𝗼𝘂 (Wednesday x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now