𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫: 𝟏𝟎

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Wednesday has done something she believed would never happen.

She felt great exasperation with her typewriter. The electromechanical machine.

It had begun the moment she stepped inside her room - the goth girls shielded space from the inconvenient verisimilitude world. Following her disputation with Y/n and, abnormally enough, then having a converse over their supposition of whether the gargoyle was an attempted murderer, Wednesday found no inducement to head to class.

Of course, the other basis was the cranky and glum state she was in. The goth girl's rumination orbited Y/n's assertion he made earlier; an inane claim with no adduce. Only artless people will shut down the assumption.

Yet, she and Y/n were more indefatigable with their supposition.

Rage still lingered in the braided pig-tailed student, besides the displeasure and violent emotion was puzzlement. She was having a marginal calamity in believing someone was trying to terminate her existence.

And needless to say, she didn't know who.

This entire occurrence was irrational - illogical with no meaning behind it. This was only her first week in this Academy, however, kismet was onset to test her aptitude. Pathetic, but unusually enough, diverting.

Call it her sadistic side, Wednesday found the attempted murder of her amusing. This wasn't the first time someone has aimed to harm her - harm she relishes to reciprocate. All she had to do was find the perpetrator. A task she will perceive as arduous the reason she has no clues.

Conceivably, she could acquire Y/n's he-


She shouldn't estimate his help - Wednesday didn't need his succor for this endeavor. The goth girl has done it in the past, and although strenuous, she was able to manage it alone. Wednesday under no circumstances will need anyone's help, she refuses to be a damsel in distress.

Yet, her mind kept drifting to Y/n. It was rather infuriating - to be uninformed of someone - and perplexed, still. Their past conversations substantiated he was obscuring something.

There was no attestation regarding her abrupt claim, however, she was pertinacious. It was more of a wary sentiment washing over her on any occasion she was with him. An aberrant emotion.

Regardless of the deficient evidence, she is still cognizant that he is concealing something. Y/n made an unforeseen allege - one she would never come up with instantly after her incident in the courtyard. The assertion sounded worldly, and when she tried to inquire if he experienced it, he merely declined.

He is truly a walking conundrum.

She can almost feel a migraine stirring at the thought of him.

An exasperated sigh escaped her dark burgundy lips as she stared at the misspelled word she typed in her novella. Wednesday was starting to grow irked with her typewriter, unaware of her turbulent emotions being the logic for her absentminded typing.

The sound of her fingers rapidly making contact with the keys of her typewriter begin to fade as Wednesday's thoughts drifted to her conversation with Y/n, consequently to the attempted murder someone tried to commit on her. How vexing it was indeed - to direct her scrutiny to her rumination.

Eventually, she regained her awareness and gazed at the dozens of misspelled words she typed, anew. A second sigh was produced as she found her attempt to cynosure her typewriter was futile.

Wednesday leaned on her chair, shifting her gaze to the ceiling as if she was awaiting an answer to all her conflicts.

It was an inquiry stuck in her head, resting beside the other questions she has as collections. Each one held dozens of answers to the conflict, yet she was impuissant to find a solution.

𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗜 𝗪𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝗜𝘀 𝗬𝗼𝘂 (Wednesday x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now