𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫: 𝟏𝟑

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"What a concomitance to find you here as well, Y/n." Wednesday's eyes began to narrow.

Y/n shifted his gaze on Wednesday, staring at her for several seconds. She stood on the opposite side of the booth, her anthracite irises accommodated confusion.

"How amusing to see you here, Addams," Y/n remarked, his voice harboring the habitual restrained tone.

Wednesday carried on with her eyes narrowed and brows wrinkling. "It's commencing to convert into a harrowing scene finding you everywhere I go."

"Hmm." Y/n produced a droning sound - humming at her zany comment. "I should be the one stating that seeing as how you appear everywhere I am. You're starting to prove my point."

"Which is?" Wednesday quirked an eyebrow.

"A stalker. Seems you have an obsession."

The goth girl glared at him. "Those words come out of your mouth again and I'll pledge your organ of taste will be hanging out on the streets for the gnawers to feast upon."

"Threats only work if you can back them up." the e/c colored male remarked.

Wednesday's glare sharpened. "Don't try me." she snarled.

"It needs more work," Y/n stated, unperturbed by her glare directed toward him.

"Wha- Huh?" Wednesday's glare shifted into a confused look as her brows furrowed.

"I don't believe I stuttered."

The goth girl disregards his snide comment. "What do you mean 'It needs more work'?" she had an inkling, yet she waited until it was indubitable.

"Your glare, Addams." Y/n elucidated. "It needs more work."

"More work?" Wednesday reiterated, her glare returning to its glory. "My glare doesn't require more work."

"Sure, and I relish the thought of acquiring dozens of friends and indulging myself in thousands of conversations." Y/n sardonically replied. "Perhaps we both like to create fabrication. Don't you think so?"

Wednesday curled her pale fingers tightly into a fist - a negative nonverbal cue. Her shoulders rolled back as she steadied her anger from emerging. She bit her tongue, halting herself from releasing a riposte to his reply.

It irked her to no end how amusing her replies were to him - how he takes their dissension into a facetious matter. Yet, he didn't express any emotions since she first met him, all his replies, remark, and statements were laced with his stoic tone.

Regardless of that, Wednesday was cognizant that he found it entertaining. She doesn't require any emotion from him to corroborate the amusement he takes in.

And she prohibits the notion of increasing it more.

Y/n briefly stared at her before returning his attention to the newspaper, primarily to the ostensible 'bear' strikes. He could feel her gaze boring into his head, her motionless figure standing on the opposite side.

Eventually, an audible low sigh escaped her dark burgundy lips as she abstractedly sat on the opposite side. Wednesday pursed her lips as she continue to stare at him. There was something about him that didn't sit correctly with her.

In his tone, there was hardly any sentiment laced with it, only his accommodate apathetic voice. With his eyes, it was identical, scarcely anything that suggested any hint of what he was feeling.

Was this a puzzle game for her?

To see if she's able to qualify for this walking conundrum.

It appears like it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2023 ⏰

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𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗜 𝗪𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝗜𝘀 𝗬𝗼𝘂 (Wednesday x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now