𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫: 𝟓

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Wednesday had always been characterized as a puzzle. An individual that causes perplex. Her existence can flummox those around her. The goth girl has always been cognizant of her ability to cause obfuscate.

Undeniably, she admired her propensity.

Emotions; are mental states brought on by neuropsychological changes. Changes she abhorrent. Repulsive feelings showcasing one's misfortune. She disrelishes emotions with a vehemency.

Emotions equal weakness.

An axiom she carries through her

Wednesday's capacity to not show sentiments was the basis of everyone's fog towards her. With an impassive and nonchalant compartment, the goth girl is adjudged as a puzzle.

A fact punctuated as almost everyone she met lacked the potential to see her.

It was thrilling - elating - and invigorating. To see individuals try to take advantage of her emotions, yet their advances deteriorated. She has no emotions to express, only puzzles to cause problems.

A pitiless side she conveys through reprisal - Wednesday always believes revenge is the resolution. One of the solutions to one's calamity.

The goth girl's revenge is sadism. Enjoyment to see those who have vindictiveness towards her fall beneath her feet. It was another reason for her being a puzzle.

Those never know when she will strike.

She is always prepared for the inevitable.

Unfailing to cause befuddled by her inscrutable actions.

And expeditious to figure out someone.


Or so she believed the last, until her encounter with him.

Y/n, the name of another puzzle. An individual who's been on her mind since her run-in with him.

It's been a week since her arrival in Nevermore - the building that bolsters her distaste - and she has yet to see him. He was an apparition. A specter vaguely anyone has seen. His appearance was sporadic.

Not once has she seen him since that night in the Pentagon. And he has been revolving in her mind for the past week - candidly mortifying. An individual she latterly meets and he's already in her mind.

How discreditable indeed.

Yet, she was intrigued by the puzzle he was. He was a problem that was testing her ingenuity and knowledge. An enigma she couldn't unravel the moment her gaze met his.

His eyes were eyes she has seen, but she couldn't decipher. They detached from any sentiment - severed of any vim. As for his eyes, his demeanor is apathetic, lacking ebullience.

Wednesday harbored vast aversion towards her curiosity.

Her curiosity, a complex emotion, and a nemesis she declared have been the reason for her keenness on Y/n. Even if it's been a week since she has last seen him, he has inhabited her mind.

Wednesday savvy Enid was in contact with Y/n. However, she wouldn't attempt to extract details from the jubilant girl all the time, especially when the werewolf's happy slant was almost a neuralgia for the goth girl.

Nonetheless, whenever Enid spoke of Y/n abruptly, the goth girl would choose her words carefully. Prudent with the words she verbally said. With her impassive and nonchalant bearing, it was easy to get details, yet they were scarce.

The anthracite eye color girl is propitious she will sooner or later dismiss her curiosity about the boy from her head.

However, there was a troublesome feeling climbing in the back of her head. A feeling flourishing from the darkest part of her encephalon. One she couldn't repress for the first time.

𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗜 𝗪𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝗜𝘀 𝗬𝗼𝘂 (Wednesday x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now