𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫: 𝟏𝟏

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The ascending sun diffuses a rosy hue across the vast infinite blue sky that hovers above the life forms the world embodies - golden fingers of sunbeam illume the scene. The enthralled blue sky was flecked with flocculent unpigmented clouds that roam languidly in the benign breeze.

The clouds resembled a white bow upon the cerulean endless sky, yet they were unable to halt the blazing fury of the sun's glare that raged on the living beings of earth.

Undeniably, pulchritudinous.

A minivan drives along the treeline road at an unhurried pace. Inside the vehicle were three individuals presently heading to their primary location; Jericho.

Wednesday gave credence to the fact she was in an adversity state.

And she wasn't hyperbolizing it.

She sat in the front passenger's seat, unmoving and undaunted as she gaze at the hundreds of tall primeval genealogical trees they passed by. Regardless of appearing impassive, the goth girl confidentially discerns appreciable displeasure.

Navigating the vehicle was none other than Larissa Weems, amplifying the braided pig-tailed student's discontent more. Larissa spoke of arbitrary subjects Wednesday found no interest towards - conceivably attempting to fill in the silent atmosphere that plagued the conveyance.


The reason that Y/n was also in the minivan.

Wednesday was in slight incredulity to cognize the apathetic male student will follow them to Jericho. The goth girl had to interdict a surprised expression from emerging on her face after Weems elucidated that Y/n will accompany them.

Although Wednesday lacked the nescience of Y/n's life, she was savvy he opposes being in a scene housing cluster of people, a sentiment she reciprocates.

It was already onerous for Larissa to convince Wednesday to take her therapy sessions with the goth girl merely regarding her as a nuisance and opting to neglect her persuading.

Eventually, after useless arguments, Wednesday agreed to go. Not because of Weems's diligent statements, but for the reason, the goth girl was looking forward to adding another therapist to her collection.

Therapists she drove to unhinged after the first session.

Illustrates Wednesday's sadistic side.

The goth girl would throw swift glances at Y/n in the rearview mirror - brisk and silent consequently for Weems to not percept. He sat on the left side of the back passenger seat; noiseless and lost in his rumination. The only showing indication he's alive is his chest rising and falling, steadily.

Like her, he wore the traditional nevermore uniform, all in black. This is the first time Wednesday has seen him in his uniform - and the first time she meets another student wearing, as Enid states it, a drab black hue uniform.

Despite Larissa's interminable speaking, the atmosphere felt silent, a more equivocal soundless ambiance. It was cognate to a challenge; to see who will utter the first word between the two. That's how black braided pig-tailed student viewed it, while Y/n didn't.

Wednesday threw a second glimpse at the rearview mirror only for her breath to get caught in her throat briefly as her anthracite eyes junction with his e/c colored eyes. This was palpably fortuitous.

In due course, principal Weems voice began to fade as the two nevermore students held a staring contest - a contest not to see who will triumph - but who will crypt the impassive gaze first.

And as always, Wednesday was the one at a loss. Her obsidian eyes couldn't descry any emotion passing by in his iris. He possessed an expressionless face - almost like a living automaton.

𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗜 𝗪𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝗜𝘀 𝗬𝗼𝘂 (Wednesday x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now