𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫: 𝟕

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Wednesday felt unsure of her contemporary feelings.

This all felt foreign to her - outlandish feelings she hasn't discerned in a long time - they were there, gazing at her in their specter form. Her ability to push them to the darkest part of her encephalon was nugatory.

Conceivably, they were there to guffaw at her, to mock her, and perhaps to lambast her. She was unable to block the piteous cry in her turbulent emotions - impuissant to the sentiment of mortification.

Was this how everyone felt after tasting defeat?

A cretinous inquiry to even ask knowing the answer.

Verily, Wednesday is despondent following the aftermath of her combat with Y/n. A loss handed to her by him, unanticipated. Not once has it occurred to her that she will fight him a week later after her first encounter.

The notion of it was rather amusing. He was the first Nevermore student to provoke a glare from her - to feel irked, displease, and vexed by his sardonic replies. Then, as if fate hated her, they fought. How humorous indeed.

This solidly took her by sizeable surprise - an emotion she wouldn't dare express to anyone - to obscure it with all her might. Yet, her astonishment is getting hard to enshroud as she gazed at her right arm - the arm starting to experience the soreness from the fight.

Wednesday was having a difficult time believing a single block from Y/n was able to cause induce a stinging sensation in her whole arm. Furthermore, he used one arm to strike with heavy and powerful shots, rendering her in a clemency state.

Did he even try against her?

A query that invades her mind - and in a way she can't vociferously to anyone. But there's her dignity howling at her to acquire vengeance, to challenge him. And then there's a side of her countering her pride, halting her from even thinking of it. What would be the difference if she challenged him again? None.

Even if it pains her to concede.

Perchance, she should cease recalling their duel, it would only add more to her chagrin. Forbye, her main aspiration is to escape his shithole of structure. For that, she needs to commence making a plan. Another day here isn't something she's looking forward to.

Principally now as she sits in one of the infirmary beds with a nurse sticking a bandage on her cut. A cut that will eventually turn cicatrix and evoke her loss to Y/n.

An exasperated sigh escapes her lips as her mind remains on the duel even when she made it clear she will stop recalling that moment. Fate must in fact despise her, a continuous cycle to remind her of her failed faculty, to-

"You're Wednesday, right?"

Wednesday turned her attention to the abrupt voice that had called her. Her gaze landed on the brown eyes and short brown hair boy with a nurse taking his blood pressure. She was able to easily identify him by his loss against Bianca.

"Rowan." he introduced. "I know how you feel."

"I guarantee you don't." Wednesday rectified.

Rowan tightens his lips before resuming. "My mother promised me I'd finally fit in somewhere. I never thought it was possible to be an outcast in a school full of outcasts."

Wednesday simply gazed at him with her impassive look, eyes briefly darting to her right before returning them to Rowan. There was something about him that made her feel hostile - an unfriendly feeling rose when his smile dropped as he spoke.

"But it looks like you're gonna give me a run for my money." a large smile adorned his face, hinting at an obscure meaning behind it. The goth girl continues to stare at him nonchalantly at his statements, causing Rowan to get nervous.

𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗜 𝗪𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝗜𝘀 𝗬𝗼𝘂 (Wednesday x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now