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yes i changed the fic title because the last one was just so random


"settle down settle down," mcgonagall shouted amongst the large chattering group of students as they flocked from the carriages. james, sirius, remus and peter had gotten out of their shared carriage and immediately were separated in the crowd. remus, being the tallest, tried his best to look above the people and spot the others, but even he couldn't. he was just pushed about by tightly knit groups until finally he stumbled into someone who he knew quite well.

"remus!" lily cried her eyes lighting up. she immediately took hold of his arm so as not to lose him amidst the students. "i got separated from marlene almost immediately, why is there such a rush?"
"i- i don't know, maybe a storms coming or a horde of death eaters or something," he half joked.

sure enough the sky flashed a bright shade of white and a rumbling shook the ground in the distance. most of the younger second years screamed, clinging to each other as they were pushed along.

"merlin's heard this is brutal," lily cried watching as even mcgonagall had given up trying to calm the students and instead lead them at the front using her wand as a light source in the dark grey of the evening.

remus nodded in agreement suddenly spotting james from far ahead, his curly hair blowing in the wind as it picked up.

"i can see james," remus muttered over the noise trying his best to lift his arm and point.
"oh heavens no. i haven't the willpower or patience for him just yet," lily replied shaking her head, a smirk playing on the taller of the twos lips.

"i can see where your coming from there. he has been kind of acting like a prat around you," remus said with a chuckle as she rolled her eyes.

at last the crowd had settled inside the walls of hogwarts, and friends found each other in uneventful reunions. however, when sirius spotted remus after being thrown back and forth by a bunch of people he didn't even know, he spared no time in screaming his name and running up to him, grabbing onto his arm as if another crowd might try to sweep him away again.

"jesus christ on a bike," sirius cried, despite not even knowing who jesus christ was or even what the word bike meant. "that was bloody mental! i thought i might die!"
"of course you did," remus said rolling his eyes at sirius black, the biggest drama queen to ever strut the halls of hogwarts.
"i would've thought that with your new prefect powers you could just order everyone to move the bloody hell out of the way-"
"YOURE A PEEFECT!?" lily couldn't help crying out, immediately covering her mouth, red faced, as her voice came out much louder than she'd meant it. remus had almost forgotten that lily was still there when sirius had latched onto his arm and slowly nodded answering her question.

"what about it?" he asked eyebrow raised.
"how on earth did you become a prefect? doesn't mcgonagall know about all the shit you've pulled in your last 4 years of schooling? i mean that like giving james the postition of headmaster,"
"my question exactly," sirius said with a nod. "how did you manage to swindle that badge from mcgonagalls grasp?"
"i dunno maybe it's because i don't get caught doing all the shit that i do," remus said eyeing sirius reminding him of all the times that sirius had gotten caught pulling pranks even in the most avoidable situations.
"well it's an honour to be working with you," lily said holding out her hand for shaking. remus grinned.
"of course you were made prefect as well," he said taking her hand.
"i think i'll be having to keep you and your friends alone more out of trouble than any of the other students," she said just as james ran over to them holding peters sleeve in his fist, dragging him along.

"oh thank merlin your alive," he exhaled clearly exhausted. "i ran all around looking for you two-"
it then came to james' attention that lily evans stood before him and a smirk fell onto his lips.
"well hello there evans-"
"see you at the feast remus," lily said spinning on her heel and walking over to where she spotted mary and dorcas.
"good try mate," sirius said patting his shoulder as the doors to the great hall opened and everybody made their way inside.

as they sat waiting for the first years, peter and frank longbottom were immersed in conversation discussing their holidays and wondering what the feast might entail, while james leaned into his hand staring down the table at lily as she joked and laughed with her friends leaving sirius and remus to chat.

"so how did your holidays go," remus said with a hopeful grin which sirius half heartedly returned. in truth, none of his friends truly knew how terrible his home life was ever since he was labelled a traitor by his own family solely because he had been sorted into gryffindor house.

of course they knew that it wasn't pleasant, but not the extent of it. he was frequently ridiculed most times at the dinner table, and compared to his perfect little slytherin brother regulus. if he ever spoke back or displeased his parents in any way he was grabbed and thrown into his room, and locked in there for an extended period of time, the door under so many enchantments it was unbelievable. and once or twice over the summer, his father had dared to use the cruciatus curse on him.

remembering this sent a shiver down sirius' spine as he gulped nodding at remus.
"it was pretty great. felt good to not have any school work."

however deep down sirius knew that he would take schoolwork over going back to 12 grimmauld place any day.

as the last first years were sorted into gryffindor and met with the screech of triumph from sirius and james who may have taken it a bit overboard with the celebration of gaining a new member, the feast commenced. hundreds of plates of food appeared down the table as students wasted no time in digging in.

"cheers, moony." sirius said with a grin raising a goblet full of pumpkin juice. remus chuckled at the use of that lovely nickname that always sent a fluttering into his chest. he too raised his goblet and clinked it with sirius'.

"cheers padfoot."


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