snow white

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sirius ran into his dada lessons just as the class started, out of breath from having sprinted all over the castle.

"james... you... you bastard..." he wheezed keeling over catching his breath with his hands rested on his knees. james sat in the back of the classroom nearly falling off his chair trying not to laugh while professor meriweather watched on, unimpressed.

"take your seat mr black, and be glad i didn't dock you 50 house points for this disgraceful display. also would you be ask kind as to come on time to my next class if you don't mind that is," she said, her voice curt and strict. sirius gave her a thumbs up and walked to the back where james was sitting, and promptly slapped the back of his head with his Fifth Year Defence Against The Dark Arts: Guide to Dark Magic book.

"ouch," he hissed still giggling as sirius took his seat.
"you purposely told me that the class was moved to the quidditch pitch."
"yes i did. and you believed me."
"fuck off you nearly cost us 50 house points. i don't think we even have that many points to be taken yet."
"yeah that would kinda suck, but you were the late one so technically you would've lost us those points."
"you four eyed rat. i can't wait for next period so that i can be rid of you. moony makes much better company."
"oh, of course, how could i forget, your beloved moony. oh sirius, come to me so we can learn charms together. oh sirius, won't you come study for OWLs with me?! oh sirius, let's get married, i would make a beautiful wife, and you can love me forever and ever and ev-"

a very flustered sirius pushed james' face with his hand.
"shut up he does not talk like that."
james chuckled and turned to face the board, apparently deciding to tune into the lesson now, while sirius looked down at his fiddling fingers anxiously.

at last the bell went signalling the beginning of second period.
"see ya james," sirius said turning to walk off.
"make sure to give moony a kiss for me, pads," james shouted back making kissy faces to which sirius rolled his eyes. regulus, who was passing by at the time, looked at his brother very confused indeed. he had thought that him and the gryffindor prefect were just friends.

sirius slouched down in a desk at the back of his charms class, arriving on time for a change. remus came into the room and sat beside him with a grin.

"hey. glad to see you in class and not out on the quidditch pitch, pads."
sirius' face turned red as his mouth fell open.
"how did you even know about that??"
"i was literally there when james told you, and it was kind of hard to miss you racing through the halls looking for your class."

he punched the taller boys shoulder pretending to be mad.
"you idiot you could've told me he was joking."
"i would've assumed you'd have figured that one out yourself. who the heck holds a defence against the dark arts class on the qui- quidditch-" remus cracked up before he could even finish his sentence and sirius threw his face into his notebook which lay open on his desk, groaning loudly.

"i've been getting this shit from james for the past hour, moons, i thought you were sposed to be the nice one."
"no i'm the smart one. peter is the nice one."

"peter isn't nice. when we were playing capture the flag in flying last year he double crossed me and james and got us both thrown in jail."
remus laughed his sweet laugh. sirius found that his laugh was so sweet that people around them turned in their seats to see where it was coming from, and it sent a funny feeling into his chest.

"none of us are the nice ones. except maybe me." sirius said proudly. remus rolled his eyes.
"yeah sure. you're the kindest person ever you're a proper snow white."
"whats a snow white?"
"a uh.. he's a badass rockstar from the muggle world."
"... fuck yes. you see james could never be snow white."
"yeah he doesn't have the hair to pull it off." remus said with a grin, which sirius returned.
"and snow white has these seven followers who protect her- i mean him from his evil stepmother."

"well i've got that as well! you, peter, james, marlene, dorcas, mary and lily are my followers. and my current mother is practically evil."
but not so much to me, sirius thought gladly.
"wait this is actually weird why am i so much like snow white?"
remus giggled as the teacher entered and began the class.

about ten minutes before the end, they were assigned an essay on feature swapping charms, a series of spells that made your facial features like your nose or eyes identical to someone else's. the teacher told them that they were welcome to start on it for the remainder of class and within seven minutes after he had said that, remus had already written a full pages worth of words. sirius had not.

"the english language is weird," sirius said to remus, as he tried to balance his wand on his upper lip. remus looked up from his paper confused.

"sirius what are you doing?"
"i'm just thinking of a good opening line."
"this isn't a bloody musical you twerp it's called your introduction."
sirius rolled his eyes fumbling to catch his wand as it fell from his face.
"whatever homework is called HOMEwork for a reason."
"you know if you do all the work in class you'll have more free time."
"well... yes. o-obviously."
remus smirked at him and his oddity of a mind.
"i just have literally no idea what to write. you could make a book out of the amount that you've written so far."
"it wouldn't be a very good one considering i've only written two pages."
"do you think he takes joy in reading these essays or does he just give them a brief look and then mark them because there are twenty people in this class and he set us a three page essay so that equals like 50 pages-"
"60, sirius, my god."
"whatever, and he has like five fifth year classes so 60 time 50 is like-"
"woah woah wait where did the 50 come from??"
"... i dunno."
"it would be 60 times 5, so 300."
"okay sure and then he also teaches seven year levels-"
"there are other charms teachers, sirius."
"...wait what?"
"yeah there's like five."
"so one per grade?"

remus placed his quill down and moved his fingers into a triangle putting them up to his lips. they seriously needed to make math part of the curriculum at magical schools. making arithmancy, the only vaguely close thing to mathematics, an optional subject and only for third years and up had been their first mistake.

after a moment of silence and sirius watching remus' perfect face, wondering what he would say next, remus' perfect face turned towards sirius as he placed his hand upon his head, feeling the smooth black strands of hair beneath his fingers.

"sirius," remus said in a voice so tentative that sirius' breath hitched in his throat.

" are so dumb."
the shorter boys lips cracked into a smile as he shrugged.
"who isn't?"
remus giggled shaking his head as the bell went, signalling the beginning of lunch.

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