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'i've heard enough," orion had muttered, eyes dark. sirius clutched his left cheek, raw and red from the harsh contact of his father cruel hand.

'i- i didn't-" he whispered lowly but stopped abruptly at the sight of his brother sitting on the top step of the staircase, watching on with a blank expression.

'i swear i didn't do anything," he said again, a little louder this time. orion raised his hand again, but stopped when his wife grasped onto his arm.

'please, darling, he has learnt his lesson!' wallburga pleaded, tearfully. unlike everyone else in his godforsaken family, sirius' mother was kind to him. well, as kind as a black could be.

'no,' orion hissed slyly. 'he never learns.... maybe this will help teach him."
sirius' eyes had widened at the sight of his unhinged father reaching for his wand as he cried that dreaded, single word that held so much fear in his heart;


"NO," sirius cried, lurching forward in his bed, as if reaching out for something that simply wasn't there. he was hyperventilating and covered in sweat as he realised that what he had witnessed was simply a dream. no, a nightmare.

no. a memory.

all that he had done was send a letter of kind regards to his favourite cousin, andromeda, who had been cruelly shunned from the family for the fraternisation with her kind muggle born husband. of course, bellatrix had found out, by merlin knows how and had contacted orion immediately, hence his anger when he had marched over to his eldest son in the foyer on that particular warm june evening and struck him, hard across the face.

sirius wiped the tears from his cheeks that, judging by the stains on his pillow case, had been falling for quite a while. a small part of him felt ashamed and an even smaller part told him that he had no right or reason to. but he had had a nightmare. what was he, a five year old? only children cry in their sleep and wake up hyperventilating, scared for their life.

he shook the fear from himself and forced his mind back into sleep. after all, he had classes the next day and being late to the very first class of the year would not be good.


sirius began to stir once again at five in the fucking morning, which was well out of the ordinary for him. apart from james, he had always been the one to sleep in the longest. but there was no point going back to bed now because for some strange reason, sirius just simply did not feel tired. he stretched and got out of bed, glancing around the room and pausing when he realised that only two of the four beds were occupied.

where the heck was his moony?

sirius wandered out of the dorm and into the common room which was eerily empty and quiet, since he was so used to it being crowded and busy. it was almost sad, sitting there grey in the morning sky, lacking it's warmth of the fireplace and smiles of students.

maybe he went on a morning stroll, sirius wondered as he headed back into the dorm and pulled a baggy sweater over his head, on top of his button down pyjama shirt, shoving his feet lazily into a pair of black converse not even bothering to do the laces up.

he stuffed his wand into the pocket of his pyjama pants and exited the gryffindor common room, thinking that remus had the right idea going for a stroll.

or maybe it was just that a tiny part of him hoped to run into said boy on this particular wander about the castle.

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