the hogwarts express

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"fuck off you're kidding."
"i am one hundred percent sirius."

sirius laughed at his own little joke while remus facepalmed. james however was still shaken.
"black i need you to be dead straight with me right now, are you bloody joking."
sirius shook his head with a sly smirk.
"merlin's beard," peter breathed.
"fucking finally more like it," remus said with a crooked grin while james fell to his knees. he was yet to say anything and the other three marauders gathered around him waiting for his reaction.

"i..." he mumbled. "i think i can see muggle heaven. holy mother of fucks god does exist."

going into the summer holidays at the end of fourth year, lily evans had agreed to go on a date with severus snape and for the week of school that was left after that, they had been officially dating, making that week the worst week of the marauders lives, because they had to listen to james complaining and sobbing about it every day. now, however, they had all gathered at kings cross awaiting the train, when mary macdonald had bounded over and whispered that lily and snape had broken up almost immediately after the beginning of school break and she had been available for some time now into sirius' ear, and as she had skipped away back to her friends, he had blurred out the news.

"well she could've at least told us that in letter form some time after instead of having us suffer listening to james cry about it all summer," remus said, helping james up as the train pulled into the station.

they all boarded, remus sirius and peter all sitting in their usual compartment while james stalked the aisle trying to spot lily.

"come off it james just sit down," sirius said with a sigh, placing his feet up next to remus who had sat down in the seat directly facing him.
"no because some dick like evan rosier or something might steal her again. i need to be the first one in."
"james no offence mate but you have asked her out a hundred times before and every time she's said no. what makes it different this time?"
"this time she's just broken up with snivellus so anything with legs that talks to her is going to seem a hundred times more appealing then him. i might have a real chance this ti- oh merlin here she comes."

the other three jumped up and sneakily peered through the glass as james nervously marched over to lily evans.

"hey evans-"
"not right now, please," she said with a sigh, not even making eye contact, politely pushing past him, mary, dorcas and marlene close behind. james turned and watched as she walked on down the train hauling her trunk with a devastated expression on his face. sirius let out a chuckle to which remus slapped his shoulder. as james hung his head and walked back over to the compartment, the three boys all jumped back and quickly made themselves busy pretending that they hadn't just witnessed that brutal shutdown.

"she- she didn't even look at me." james whimpered. he flopped down next to remus as peter leaned over and patted him on the back.

"better luck next time?" sirius offered and james exhaled.
"yeah sure. whatever let's just forget about it. i refuse to let lily evans and her perfect being ruin this train trip. anyone want to get up to some mischief-"
"oh lord that reminds me," remus said slowly closing the book he was holding wide eyed. he suddenly started digging through his pockets so frantically that it grabbed all of the marauders attention. at last he pulled his hand out to reveal his shiny prefect badge which had been delivered in the mail with his book list.

"HOW ON EARTH DID YOU, REMUS J LUPIN BECOME PREFECT!!??" sirius shrieked grabbing the badge and glaring at it. james' jaw dropped and peters hand flew to his mouth.

"i do NOT BELIEVE THIS," james cried grabbing the badge from sirius. "clearly mcgonagall never found out about those chinchillas you charmed into the slytherin common room last term. oh mate imagine the power you have now. we..." james' eyebrows flew up as if he had just realised something.
"we can get away with anything."

remus grabbed the badge and shoved it back into his pocket.
"i'm pretty sure youre overestimating my authority when it comes to this."
"can you take house points away?" sirius asked eyes shimmering with something devious behind them. remus looked deep into them.
"i- i'm unsure," he muttered glancing at his shoes. "i don't think i can just go up to a slytherin and dock them 100 points for littering. there are rules."

james sighed. "so we can't get away with anything?"
"we can bloody well try," peter said unwrapping some of the food he had brought in his trunk.

the rest of the ride flew past, jokes were told, treats were eaten, a prank or two was pulled, and soon enough, they were full bellied, tired, and somewhat bored of the train. james had gone off to give it another shot with lily, while peter went to chase down the trolley witch, leaving sirius and remus. sirius glanced out the window, which was now covered in a light splash of droplets from the pale cloudy sky.

"look moony it's raining," he whispered but as he turned around he saw that remus had his head rested against the window fast asleep. sirius smiled admiring the delicate features of his face. it was clear that over the summer he had gotten taller, and maybe gained a scar or two, which ached sirius' heart to see, but in his face you could see that remus had really grown into his looks. he smiled watching as his thick eyelashes fluttered softly in his sleep, the only sound to be heard his soft breathing. sirius also rested his head against the glass so that his face was directly in front of remus', but still about a rulers length between them.

this isn't weird right? is what he kept thinking. you were allowed to look at your best friend and think they looked good. sure maybe not while they were sleeping, but it was a normal thing to do. if remus was watching sirius sleep and admiring his eyelashes-

sirius' face suddenly turned a deep shade of red as he realised that that would indeed not be a very best friend thing to do.

a feeling of anxiety hitched in his throat as james slammed the door back open and sirius quickly spun his head around pretending to admire the rain drops.

"...girls can be cruel." was all james said before collapsing beside remus.
"they-they sure can," sirius said keeping his eyes glued to the window for the remainder of the trip.


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