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"where HAVE you been!" james cried, hands on hips, like an angry mother. peter was sitting on his bed glaring at the two as they entered the dorm as if to warn them not to mess with james right now.

"beds empty, wands gone, no note? you could've died! you could've been seen!"
"seen by who?"asked sirius. james shrugged.
"i don't know the teachers? you are not allowed out of the common room until seven, like are you two stupid!?"

"wait fuck is that actually a rule?" remus said, his hand flying to just below his mouth in shock, as he thought that if that was indeed a rule, he should probably have known being a prefect and all.

"no it is not a ruuule you imbecile," sirius said rolling his eyes, dragging out the word 'rule' for emphasis. james' mouth fell into a line as he was stumped now.

"well- i don't care, where in the name of snivellus' greasy pet owl were you!?"
"i went for a morning stroll and this freakishly tall nerd here went to the library."
remus rolled his eyes at sirius as he went over to his dresser and began pulling on his robes.

peter and james were already dressed of course.
"come on peter we're going to breakfast."
"finally!" peter cried running after james, even though breakfast wouldn't be ready for another ten minutes.

remus swung his book bag over his shoulder ready to walk out the door and turned to look at sirius and froze.

sirius black stood on the other side of the room, shirtless, and over the holidays, remus didn't know what it was, but his muscles were more prominent. he couldn't help staring a little as sirius turned to face him.

"have you seen my tie? i know it's the first day but ties are very easy to lose. you know what, nevermind, i'll just take one of james', serves the nosy git right."

sirius began to button up his shirt and even as he tied his tie remus couldn't get the image of his biceps out of his mind.

"hey you alright rey-?"
remus swiftly slapped himself across the face, as if breaking himself out of a trance and then, dusted off his shirt meeting sirius' eyes.
"yeah i'm fine."

sirius' eyes widened as he let out a laugh.
"what the heck was that!?"
"i- uh- it was a mosquito," remus lied. he had slapped himself to snap his mind from its seemingly infinite replay of shirtless sirius.
"are you ready for breakfast?"

the two boys walked down to breakfast together, comparing timetables as they walked.

"well that fucking sucks, we only have one class together today! i swear we had every class together in 4th year!"
"that's because all gryffindors have the same classes for the first 4 years and then your broken up into your OWLs subjects."
"merlin kill me," sirius muttered shoving his timetable into his pocket bitterly. "this is a load of crap. how are we meant to reign terror on the world with our pranks if we can't even pull them, together!?"

remus shrugged trying not to laugh at the term the boy beside him had used. they sat beside james and peter, who had only just started eating, because it was seven on the dot.

remus happily placed some jam toast on his plate and filled a goblet with pumpkin juice, and was just about to dig in when all of a sudden a hand knocked the back of his head, hard.

"ouch what the fuck- lily!?" remus cried in shock. "what did you do that for-"
"YOU, remus lupin, are a terrible prefect!" lily hissed so as not to draw attention from the entire gryffindor table. however, the other three marauders watched on very invested indeed.

"what did i even do!?"
"you were meant to help me bring the first years down for breakfast you numpty!"
she gave him a second thwack on the side of the head this time, making him wince.
"okay okay i'm sorry-"
"and then," she declared, making quite some clarity that she was, indeed, not done yet.
"i go up to your dorm, risking facing james potter, only to find that you aren't there either! so would you mind telling me just where the hell you would be at six thirty in the morning!?"
"i-i went to the library-"
"why on earth would you go to the library at such a time when i warned you that i needed you to help me with the first years last night? i warned you to be up by 6:20 and to meet me in the common room at half past. where in that warning did i invite you to go on a nice visit to the library!?"

"okay i'll admit i forgot about the first years but i remembered i needed to be back by 6:30 so i did come back but then i ran into little imbecile, and his rapidly disappearing brain cells." he motioned a hand toward sirius who had finished stuffing his face and was beginning to get up from the table.

"enjoy the rest of your lecture, moony," he said with a grin walking past, and when he reached the doors to the great hall he yelled back "SEE YOU IN 2ND PERIOD!!!!"

remus went off to his first class of the day feeling very humbled indeed. even james had held off on his own anger towards him, feeling that after that terrible lecture from lily he had suffered enough, even if he had just been given an excuse to look at lily evans in all her beauty for a full ten minutes.

remus dropped his stuff down beside marlene in his potions class, watching as professor slug horn fiddled with his papers before starting the class.

"wassup my dude," marlene said. "good break?"
"was okay," remus mumbled with a small smile, shrugging.
"i feel you. i came out to my mom and now she's trying to be all lgbt friendly. i mean it's great that she supports dorcas and me but she's been going a bit over the top lately you know?"
"well i still haven't told my parents, or any of my friends for that matter-"
"you haven't!!?? remus whot the fuck, it's been four years! what are you even waiting for??"
"i don't know, one of them to ask me?"
"nobody is going to come up to you and ask 'yo do you like dick?' you've gotta take control!"

"well a guy did ask me out this morning."
"wait really? who?"
"do you know michael lewis from ravenclaw?"
"you scored a sixth year!!?? way to go remus!!" marlene clapped as remus' cheeks turned red and he ushered her to quieten down as professor slughorn began his lecture.

"so how did it happen?" whispered marlene, and remus recounted the conversation from that morning to her.
"i told him i would think about it."
"remus you dork why would you say that?"
"what's wrong with that?"
"why wouldn't you say yes? you think he's attractive and he's funny and he's nice and there are no red flags so far? what could possibly be holding you back??"
"...oh honey. please tell me you're still over sirius?"
"that's the thing; i never did get over him."
"babes no, okay? i'm really sorry but he's straight. i should know, i have amazing gaydar."
"i know, but it's hard. it's not like i can just blink my feelings away."

but boy did remus wish that he could.

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