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sirius lay on his back with his legs in the air, leaning them against a wall. from above it may have looked as though he was sitting with his legs stretched out before him.

his arms were reached out on either side of him as he stared up at the roof, that stupid boring beige roof. what on earth had he been thinking going on a 'morning fucking stroll' who the heck did he think he was? that was a very stupid out of character move for him.

he glanced slightly over to his right at the large painting of the fat lady, who was combing her fingers through her hair snootily.

"please?" sirius asked eyeing her but she just shook her head.

"no password no entry."
"oh come on, you bloody know who i am. how am i even meant to know the password it's the first day of term!"
"a real gryffindor would remember the password which his prefect had told him last night!"
"no, only a real nerd would remember the password, so i guess the ravenclaws are safe, but it just slipped my mind!"

when he was met with no answer, sirius groaned, dragging his hands down his face. he was bored out of his mind. sirius flipped his legs over himself rolling back onto his knees and stood up facing the paining pulling out his wand.

"alohamora!" he shouted with gusto, as though enthusiasm might be the secret to a successful spell, but nothing happened.
"oh whoopdy doo. look everyone, we've got a real genius in the making here," the fat lady sneered sarcastically. sirius rolled his eyes.
"oh shut up."
"no really. you must be a real rowena ravenclaw to pull that one out. i mean, surely nobody has ever thought to use that spell before. i mean if they did, what would be the point of a password anyway! are you sure you were sorted into the right house? because i think that that spell right there deserves a trophy! 500 points to gryffindor everyone!!"

she went on and on and sirius zoned out becoming interested in the suits of armour that lined the walls, wondering how people would even move in there.

sirius always got distracted even in the most intriguing situations. remus had given him a muggle diagnosis, claiming he had something called 'adhd' whatever the heck that meant. but it didn't matter to sirius because he doubted it could really have an effect on him. if anything it was a blessing. if he hadn't zoned out by now, he might just have shoved forks in his ears because of the insanity that the fat lady's shrill rant was driving him into.

"... you just think that if a slytherin were to come over here and cast that spell i would just grant access to them? gosh it's clear that your brothers got the brains-"

without even realising it, sirius had grabbed his wand and shot a hex toward the fat lady, sending her paintings colour palette into a billion different shades that did not compliment each other at all, her skin turned a deep purple while a muggy pea green coloured her hair. she shrieked at the sight of herself while sirius ran off, giggling. he ran by a clock and spotted the time, reading 6:30. surely people would be up by now and would walk out of the common room and allow him access, so all he had to do was hide behind this wall and wait-


sirius jumped, tumbling over his untied laces, while also trying to turn to the source of his name, causing him to tumble into a familiar tall brunette boy who he promptly sent tumbling into the red carpet with him.

"moony!" sirius cried in relief that he hadn't just toppled over a teacher. he looked down at his friend who was a blushing mess because in this moment, sirius black was, indeed, literally on top of him.
"i- i - hi pads, what- what are you doing hiding behind a wall? don't tell me you've broken the mischief out already, it's not even seven."

sirius chuckled rolling off of remus and pulling him up, dusting off his sweater which the tall boy seemed to be staring at.

"i may have hexed the fat lady."
"sirius you numpty, what if she doesn't let you back into the common room?"
"well she already wasn't letting me in, that's the problem! she just can be so annoying, i just wanna grab a knife and slash her painting to bits."

"okay calm down you homicidal freak let's back up a bit; why wasn't she letting you in?"
"i forgot the ding dang password," the shorter boy said with a sigh, and was met with a laugh from remus, to which sirius replied with a sharp punch in the arm.

"where even were you? i woke up and you were gone!"
"oh i just went to the library."
"the library? you nerd, we haven't even started classes yet. also i woke up at five and you were already up and gone so what on earth possessed you to the library at four in the morning!?"
"four thirty, and i don't know. i was bored."

"so was i but i didn't go to the library. how are you not in ravenclaw?"
"do you want me to be in ravenclaw?"
sirius quickly shook his head.
"no i never said that, who would i steal sweaters from then?" he said holding up his arms showing remus the sleeves that were much to long for the shorter boys arms, thus them being rolled up.

"i was meaning to ask you about that, you thieving little shit," he said playfully pushing sirius' shoulder. sirius smirked and pushed him back.
"it's mine now just so you know. i don't even care how much you love it, kiss it goodbye because i'm taking it home on the holidays and it's never coming back."

when the word home had left his lips it was as if someone had dumped ice water over him. 12 grimmauld place was not a home. it was merely a house. hogwarts was his home. where his friends were was his home. his moony was his home.

"come on you little kleptomaniac, let's get you back into the common room."
sirius chuckled, clinging onto remus' arm.
"what the fuck is a kleptomaniac?"

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