I am a fearsome weapon of war!

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After that episode, I unsurprisingly lost my appetite. Cassius led me to the dock in order to have a few minutes of privacy until the sun sets and the campfire begins.

"Well, that was something," he eventually says, giving a small laugh. I join him, nodding.

"I didn't know Achilles could do that," I admit. "Was it strange?"

He nods. "It was. Because it was you, but it wasn't. And the waves of sheer rage that just rippled off of him...you? I don't know."

"I'm sorry he forced you to swear the oath," I say softly, squeezing his hand in both of mine. Cassius shakes his head.

"I'm not. I basically already swore the same thing to you," he replies. His arm around me pulls me closer. "And I had made that promise to myself anyway. Why not swear it?"

"But what if something happens to me?" I ask in a small voice. He kisses the top of my head. "What if you get punished by the Fates or whoever because of it?"

"Then so be it," he says. I stare up at him, shocked. "Audra, we're soulmates. Two halves of the same soul. I know we haven't known each other long, but I already know that if anything happened to you, there'd be nothing left for me."

I know in my heart he's right. I can feel it by the way I get a stabbing pain in my stomach at even the thought of him being hurt, and the idea of losing him...it's unbearable.

"Hey." He takes his hand out of mine in order to cup my cheek, and I can't stop myself from leaning into his touch. "Don't worry yourself by overthinking. Just think about right now."

"Right now is pretty nice," I say shyly, blushing. He nods in agreement.

"Right now is perfect."

When he kisses me, every worry leaves my head. Every fear is gone. An overwhelming sense of safety washes over me, and his scent fills my senses. His warm hand gently strokes my cheek, and his arm around me feels like a shield.

We're rudely interrupted, however, by a cough coming from behind us. Cassius reluctantly pulls away and glances back. I'm embarrassed at having been caught kissing him in the wide open, and I hide my face in his chest.

"Sorry." It's Josie. "It's just, the campfire's starting soon. I thought you might like some time alone, but Chiron wanted me to find you."

"We were kind of busy," Cassius says bluntly, and I groan in embarrassment.

"Cas!" I whine. Josie laughs.

"Yeah, I could tell," she replies. "But I'm just the messenger. So...yeah...I'll just leave you to it, then."

"Oh my gods," I say, facepalming. "You know everyone's going to know in a matter of fifteen minutes."

Cassius starts laughing. "They all know we're soulmates, sweetheart. I think they've probably connected the dots and figured out that we've kissed."

Oh. Oh yeah.

"I mean, when you put it like that," I giggle, running a hand through my hair. "Couples do kiss."

"And more," he agrees, smirking. My eyes widen at the insinuation.

"Cassius!" I exclaim, blushing furiously. I point my finger at him.

He laughs. "I love making you blush. You're the cutest thing!"

"I am not! I am a fearsome weapon of war! I can summon lightning," I argue. "And probably do other things too!"

"You guaranteed have the potential to be a sorceress," he agrees. I smile proudly. "A very cute sorceress."

"No!" I drag out the word. "Cas!"

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