I don't think glitter war paint is respectful to the dead.

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"Time to smite things!" I cheer. I run through the camp, dragging Cas behind me.

"Inanimate things," Cas adds after he catches a few worried looks. "No, I swear, she isn't actually killing anyone today."

"To-day," I sing-song, picking out the operative word. "Who knows about tomorrow?"

Cas facepalms with his free hand. "Monsters only, guys!" he promises the concerned campers we pass. "I promise. Only monsters. She's not actually homicidal."

Well, that's not true, is it? He's the one helping me with my murder-slash-revenge plot against Apollo. It is our revenge plot, after all. He did agree that he's in, so we're in this together for the long haul.

"It's kind of funny that you have to promise that," I grin over my shoulder at him. He shakes his head, exasperated.

"Our relationship is so weird," he sighs dramatically. I giggle and stop suddenly, throwing myself at him. I wrap my arms around him. He laughs, hugging me back.

"This is by far the least weird thing about our relationship," I point out, and he shrugs.

"You're not wrong," he agrees.

"Now c'mon, I want to go hit things with lightning," I say, letting go of him and dragging him into the swordfighting arena. It's the only place in camp big enough for Chiron to have set up with a bunch of enchanted straw dummies, where I also won't hurt anyone.

I rub my hands together as I look around. I chew on my bottom lip, thinking. Which one to do first? I feel electricity start to spark between my palms.

Cas hurries off to the stands, and I smirk at the plenty of dummies. Well, I suppose this is my chance to practice some magic.

"How do I get them to move?" I ask Achilles. He'll probably know, right? He seems to know everything. He's Achilles. Why wouldn't he know everything?

Tell them in the old tongue, he suggests. I blink, surprised. Magic is laced in your words.


They will obey. Have faith.

"Well...okay," I say reluctantly. I feel the energy continue to grow, and the wind picks up. I hum. I look around at the dummies. I take in a deep breath, then I release it.

"Κίνεε," I breathe out. Kínee.


All at once, the figures come to life. My eyes widen, and Cas lets out a surprised sound from the stands.

"Shit, Audra, you're a sorceress!" he yells excitedly. "Oh my god, my soulmate is a sorceress!"

That isn't the top priority, though. The top priority is the fact that these things are now coming at me, ready to attack. I feel a pull deep in my stomach, and then, I call down a bolt of lightning. It strikes one of the dummies, and it explodes. I laugh excitedly, before I summon my spear.

Oh, this is going to be fun.

I run at another dummy, and I impale it after effortlessly dodging its training sword. Then, I strike down another two dummies.

"This is awesome!" I shout, laughing.

Thunder fills the air around me as I lose track of time. By the time I'm finished, I'm surrounded by piles of straw, and I'm exhausted. I find Cas running from the stands to me. He suddenly picks me up and spins me, and he's super lucky I had already turned my spear back to a ring.

"Look at you!" he cheers. "That was incredible!"

I giggle and bury my face in his neck. "Cas," I say, playfully smacking his chest. "It was, wasn't it? I'm pretty great."

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