You're the daughter of the king of Olympus. Get used to it.

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Cassius and I lower our voices to whispers the closer we get to camp. We take care to ensure nobody overhears us.

"So, even if Chiron asks, we shouldn't tell him that Achilles apparently has some sort of oracular abilities?" I ask, making sure. Cassius nods.

"I hate to lie, or lie by omission, but my priority is making sure we survive together. Achilles' priority is making sure you survive. We have that in common," he smiles, though it's a bit nervous. "I don't want to risk anyone finding out anything that could put you at risk. And if that means hiding something from Chiron, then..." he shrugs.

Patroclus incarnate indeed, Achilles murmurs longingly. Fate was not kind to me, but he always was. He's quiet for a moment. Since I cannot be there to protect you, I am glad he is. There is no one but him I would entrust with your safety. He is a good man, yet he would rebuild Troy just to burn it to the ground if it meant keeping you safe.

My smile grows at his words. It makes me feel warm and comforted to hear Achilles speak so highly of Cassius.

"What has you so happy?" he laughs, and I blush. I try to think of how to word it without sounding creepy.

"Achilles likes you," I finally say. "He trusts you."

His jaw drops. "Really?" I nod encouragingly. "I mean, I get that I'm Patroclus, kind of, but...really?"

I nod again. "He said that if he can't be here to protect me himself, he's glad that you are. And that you're the only person he trusts with my safety."

He's stunned into silence.

"Is this another 'soulmates' thing, do you think?" I ask curiously. He blinks at me.

"I-I mean, probably," he coughs, finally snapping back to reality. "I just know I'd do anything to keep you safe."

I smile. "Anything?"

"Anything. I'd even rebuild Troy then burn it to the ground again if that's what some god told me to do in exchange for your safety," he declares, dead-serious. When he sees me smiling, he frowns. "Why do you look amused when I'm pouring my heart out to you?"

"I didn't think Achilles was serious when he said that."

"Are you serious? Well, you need to tell Achilles to stop giving you spoilers of my feelings, or else he'll probably tell you before I propose someday," he scoffs. I burst out laughing.

"Probably," I agree. I let him take ahold of my hand as we get even closer to camp. "It's nice having a soulmate, don't you think? It adds some new, weird complications, sure, but I think it's worth it."

"Complications like having a heart attack every time there's even the slightest chance of you getting hurt?" Cassius guesses, and I nudge him playfully. He grins. "Yes, of course it's worth it. Even if I am overprotective of you. Sorry about that, by the way."

I shake my head. "No need to apologize. I was about ready to strike down every one of those myrmekes when I saw they might hurt you. So I think we're even. But I do think you might have some competition."

He instantly frowns. His face clouds over. "From who? I'll fight them. I might be a son of Aphrodite, but I'm the embodiment of her Spartan epithets, and Patroclus was a hell of warrior!"

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