The plot thickens

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Cassius gives me a dirty look from my cot as I pace back and forth around my cabin. Now that I've told him most of everything that happened with Apollo, as well as my very loose plan, it sounds a bit, well, shaky, but also extremely brilliant if it actually works.

"So...we're going to swindle Apollo?"


"And convince him that we don't totally hate his guts?"


"And then get revenge on him somehow?"


"Great. How?"

I pause my pacing and think. I eventually shrug.

"I haven't thought that far, Cas. It's been, like, twenty minutes," I reason. Cassius sighs.

"Alright, fine. Say we get revenge on him. How far are we taking it?" he asks. I give him a look. A totally unhinged thought suddenly enters my mind, and I decide to run with it. I drag my finger across my neck dramatically. His jaw drops. "I didn't sign up for murder, Audra!"

"Well, he's practically an accomplice to murder! He'd be a war criminal if he pulled the same shit today that he pulled back then!" I protest, putting my hands on my hips. He actually pauses, thinking over my words.

Holy shit, I wasn't expecting that to work.

"He would be, wouldn't he?" he muses. "And, really, he did basically try to commit genocide with that plague. Or, at least, biological warfare. Which is not cool. So...he's practically a terrorist."

O-kay. A terrorist? That's a new one. Not exactly what I was thinking, but I mean, if it works, it works, I guess. So, sure, why not? Let's go with that!

"Exactly!" I exclaim, pointing at him excitedly. "So it's practically our civic duty to go through with our revenge plot."

He narrows his eyes. "Okay, don't go calling it 'our' revenge plot."

"You're either in or you're out, Cas. All or nothing." Cassius sighs dramatically. "Are we taking down a god or what? Murder to be determined at a later date, leaning towards yes."

He pinches the bridge of his nose. "Fine. Yes. I'm in."

My jaw drops. I really wasn't expecting him to agree.

"Oh my gods, really?" I can't help but ask. I'm actually stunned.

"Yes," he groans in exasperation. He closes his eyes. "Really. But leaning toward no for murder. At least, for now."

I shrug. "We can talk about it." I drop down onto the bed next to him. "And so the plot thickens, am I right?"

He facepalms. "You're lucky you're my soulmate, or else I'd be having you committed right now."

I laugh. He should probably be having me committed anyway. Only a batshit insane person would come up with my plan.

"Well, I guess I'll just be glad that we're soulmates then!"

"Really? That's why you're glad we're soulmates?" he glares at me. I grin innocently.

"Not the only reason, of course," I assure him, kissing his cheek. I offer him the Iliad. "Want to read to me?"

He smiles then, nodding. "Of course I would." Our conspiracy to commit divine murder is successfully out of his mind for now. He wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me close. He turns his head toward mine and murmurs, "Don't think I've forgotten about your murder plot."

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