Chapter 5 - Possibly

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  I paused for a second. "I know you heard me, Lucas. Do you like him?" I mumble "Maybe i do so what!?" Zane's eyebrow twitches. Usually when he does that he's either mad or irritated, "Lucas you know what happened with River.." I put my hand up signaling him to stop, "Enough." I go upstairs and lay in bed. Sometimes I don't understand zane. I understand he is protective of me but I wish he would let loose. Maybe he just needs to find someone of his own to fall for. I snicker and get up to change when I notice that Levi's hoodie is in my room. "He must've forgotten it." I say to myself. I pick it up and smell it, "Wow-" I change into some black short shorts and Levi's hoodie. I then lay in bed. Levi's hoodie is so comfortable I wish I could keep it. I sigh happily and close my eyes slowly drifting to sleep.

My alarm clock goes off and I slap the off button. I mumble "Another day of school.. Wonderful." I get up and take Levi's hoodie off, "Sucks, I have to give this back to him today.." I change into A black crop top, Extremly shredded jeans with chains on them, And my playforms with Buckles. I go into the bathroom to fix my hair and brush my teeth. I go downstairs to be greeted by Zane sitting at the table drinking some juice. I walk over to get a piece of bread, "Lucas." I turn to face zane, "Yes?" Zane sighs, "I'm coming to school today. And if you Like Levi it's not my choice." I glare at Zane, "You shouldnt be treating Levi like he doesnt deserve to be a guest in this house. You do realize he did save my ass from getting assulted yesterday." I grab my bag and walk out of the house. Zane chases after me, "You could've waited for me dick head." I smirk, "I didn't want to wait a thousand years for you to finsh your juice." Zane playfully punches my shoulder.

We continue to walk when we hear someone running behind us. I turned around and to my surprise it was Levi. He catches up to us and pants. When he finally Catches his breath he looks at me, "Hey Luc-" He looks at my outfit and turns red. I Blink stupidly and Zane was about to say something when I stomped on his foot, "OW BITCH-'' I grab Levi's arm and we walk next to eachother. Zane walks behind us to make sure no cars hit us and to watch Levi's every move i guess. We reach the bus stop and wait a few minutes. The bus shows up and I board the bus. Levi sits next to me and zane sits across from me. I turn my head to face Levi as I reach my hand into my bookbag and take out his hoodie, "You forgot this at my house."

Levi grabs the hoodie and stuffs it into his bookbag, "Thank you for giving it back. I'd forget my head if it wasnt attached to me." We both laugh.

We arrived at school. Levi and I parted ways as Zane and I reported to homeroom. I had to show Zane around because his lazy behind didn't want to show up yesterday. Angel walks up to me and greets me with a hello. Today seemed like it was going to be a good day. I was wrong.. My smile slowly fades when I see River walk into my homeroom with a grin on his face.

End of chapter 5.

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