Chapter 15 - The Next Day.

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I woke up with my head on Levis Chest. I rub my eyes and check my phone. My eyes widen, Holy crap 30 messages from Zane!?" I check them and then I remembered that I was supposed to come back home around lunch yesterday but I was too busy..uh.. doing things with Levi. I continue to look though my messages and I saw one from Angel. It said, "Hey Lucas I have someone I'd like you to meet!" I text her back, "Oh okay that's cool! I'll tell Levi when he wakes up. Maybe we can hangout with this new person!?" I turn my phone off and Levi sits up and pulls me close to him. He mumbles, "Morning sleeping beauty.." I smile and play with his hair, "Let's go eat some cereal."

Me and Levi grab some cereal and eat. I clear my throat, "I was wondering if maybe we could hangout with Angel today. She wants us to meet some mysterious person." Levi smiles, "Of course we can. But that's only if you can walk." He winks at me and I blush, "Shut up! I'm fine!" I pretend to pout. Levi laughs and finishes his cereal and puts his bowl in the sink. I do the same and grab my phone and Read Angel's text. It said, "Yea sure that sounds fun! What time?" I smile and text her back, "Let's say around 12:30pm at the mall :)." She sends a thumbs up emoji. Levi grabs me and cuddles me, "Are you jealous because I'm texting Angel?" He pouts, "Yea A little bit." I giggle and kiss his cheek, "Well we are going to meet Angel at the mall around 12:30 to meet this person." Levi nods and turns on Netflix. We chill on the couch watching Anime.


 I go into the bathroom and get dressed. I put on a pink skirt, A Radom black oversized t-shirt, Some knee high pink and white socks, and my platform boots. I walk out of the bathroom and walk over to Levi who is wearing a black shirt, A plaid flannel, some ripped up black jeans, and some black sneakers. He looks me up and down and blushes, "That outfit looks so good on you baby." And smile and hug him tightly, "Thank you love." I let go of him and grab my phone. Levi grabs his car keys and locks the door. I open the car door to the passenger seat and sit down and Levi starts the car. I buckle my seat belt and he backs out of the driveway. We start driving to the mall. Levi puts his hand on my thigh and I blush.


Levi pulls into the mall and parks the car. We walk into the mall and I was immediately greeted by Angel, "Hi Lucas! I love your outfit." I smile, "Thank you. So where is this person we are supposed to be meeting." And after I said that A tall Boy wearing a black t-shirt and some jeans walked out of the bathroom and stands next to Angel, "This is Zack. And he's my boyfriend." Me and Levi's eyes widen. I beam, "Oh my gosh Angel congratulations!" She blushes and grabs Zack's hand, "Sup I'm Zack." Levi and I say Hello. All of us chat for a bit before walking around in the mall. We first stopped at Game Stop because Zack wanted to check out the video games. I walked over to the Nintendo switch games and Found Kirby on sale. I immediately snatched it, "God Babe you really love Kirby." I smile at Levi, "Not as much as I love you." He blushes. I go up to the cashier and pay for my game. Angel and Zack grabbed Call Of Duty to play.


Next We went to Hot topic because I wanted to go. I was looking on the 30% off sales rack and found a pair of bontage pants I needed. Angel grabbed a cute white crop top to wear. Levi walked over near the plushies, "Um babe I think I found something." I walk over to Levi and tilt my head. He hands me a Seacow squishmallow. I gasp, "Oh my gosh this is my favorite squishmallow I need it!" Levi smiles and keeps ahold of it. Zack finds a cool t-shirt of a rapper he likes. We all pay for our stuff and walk out of the store happily. "So what do you guys want to do next?" Angel said. My stomach growled, "Um maybe some food ehe?" Zack nods, "Yea I'm starving my ass off over here Princess." It was decided that we are going to grab something to eat.

End of chapter 15.

A/N: Hi guys! I thought I double date at the mall chapter sounded fun. And angel hasn't been mentioned in the story for awhile so now she's back with her boyfriend Zack 👏😮. I hope you guys like Zack. Also he's a person I know too and if you could please follow and Check out his story. His account is Zack (ya_boi_zack) I hope you guys enjoyed!

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