Chapter 12 - Shit I'm Dead.

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I sit up quickly and Zane just stares at me tapping his foot on the ground, "Zane I can explain!" Zane grabs my arm, "We are going home." He glares at Levi, "I don't like how he's is influencing you." He tugs my sleeve and I pull away, "Zane I don't want to." Zane's eye twitches, "I said we are going home Lucas." I shake my head, "I'm not going home. I'm a fucking teenager Zane! Hell I'm older than you! Stop treating me like a child. I am plenty old enough to make my own decisions." Zane stares at me with an irritated look in his eyes. He sighs, "Fine. But I want you home around Lunch at least." I nod my head, "That's doable." Zane walks away and I sigh, "At least he didn't murder me."

Levi's sighs in relief, "Let's go to the store and get some new clothes." I beam, "Yes please! Let's go!" Levi grabs my arm and leads the way to the store. We walk into the store and look around the clothing racks pulling out things we liked and a bunch of clothes we thought were ugly and made fun of. I was having a lot of fun when I see River out the corner of my eye. I turn pale and mumble, "Fuck.." Levi looks around and then sees River. He grabs my arm, "Let's go to a different part of the store Baby." I nod and follow Levi to another part of the store.

I hope he didn't see us. I don't want to deal with him on my day off with Levi. I'm having fun and I'm not going to let him ruin it. We continue to look through the clothes and go to the cashier to pay for the clothes we decided to buy. We left the store giggling. Levi grabs my hand and I smile. I don't want this day to end. It's like heaven. This is the first relationship I've ever had that actually felt like real love, "Want to get some hash browns babe?" I look at levi, "Yes I fucking love hash browns." He smiles and we go to McDonald's and order some hash browns. We sit down on a bench and enjoy our Hash Browns, "Mmmm~ These are so good Levi!" I look at him and he is really red, "Levi are you okay!?" He nods and takes a bite out of his Hash brown. And then all of a sudden I had a devious idea. I take a bite out of my Hash brown and then I French kissed Levi.

I stopped kissing him and he froze, "Babe are you alright?" I blink innocently. But really on the inside I was laughing like a super villain. Levi nods slowly, "You're lucky we're in public. You're Safe for Now puppy." I blush, "Levi what do you mean by that!?" He looks at me devilishly, "That's for me to know and for you to find out." I choke on a piece of my Hash brown and Blush, "You're such a Pervert." He laughs, "But you like it though." I glare at him and laugh. He looks at me warmly and smiles. I kiss his cheek and grab his hand pulling him up on his feet, "So where to next love!?"

End of Chapter 12!

A/N: Why is this Chapter give you a nice warm feeling? Stay Tuned Lovlies!

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