Chapter 7 - Love

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  Spicy chapter ✨✨

  Zane, Levi, and I walk into the house and I go to my room upstairs. Levi silently follows me. Zane goes into his room to calm down. I sit on my bed. Levi sits next to me and hugs me. I Blush a little bit. Levi smiles, "Hey i'll text my mom and tell her i'm staying the night here how does that sound?" I turn Red, "S-Sure." Levi calls his mom to tell her that he'll be staying the night. She said Yes. Zane walks into my room, "What are you shitbirds doing?" I roll my eyes and smile, "Levi is staying the night." Zane looks at Levi. But for once he didn't have hatred in his eyes. He looked at Levi normally, "Well alright. I'm going to bed early. Feel free to order pizza or something. Goodnight." Levi and I Told zane goodnight and smiled at each other .

Levi gets up and looks around my room, "wow.. You are such a weeb." I roll my eyes and laugh, "I'm aware. I get told that a lot." Levi then quickly picked me up and I had no time to react, "Oh my god put me down!" Levi laughs, "Pfft Nope." I squirmed around and Levi started to walk around. He then lost balance and fell. I sit up and rub my eyes. Levi was under me and we both forze and turned red, "U-Um s-sorry L-Levi." I go to get off of him but he pulls me down and kisses me. I turn a dark shade of red and kiss him back. He broke the kiss and stared at me. We both blush and stand up, "I-I.." I couldnt even speak. Levi picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

Levi pins me to the wall and french kisses me. I kiss him back and play with his tongue a bit. He breaks the kiss and smiles at me, "Would.. You like to be my boyfriend Lucas.." I nod, "Y-Yes." We smile at each other. Levi puts me down and holds my hand. I can't believe the guy that I have crushed on since the first day of school likes me back!, "Hey Do you want to eat something, Levi?" Levi smirks, "I want to eat you." I Cover my face and look away." Levi grabs my chin, "Aww is someone blushing~?" I shake my head and go to stand up but Levi pulls me down into his lap, "L-Levi!?" I blush. He smiles, "What? Arent you comfortable?" I look away and nod. I glance over to see Levi turning red a little bit. I lay my head on his shoulder, 'I'm hungry-'' Levi smiles and laughs a little, "Oh alright let's go order pizza." Levi picks me up and carries me down the stairs bridal style. I giggle and he sits me down in a chair and calls in the pizza. Once he hung up the phone I hugged him from behind, "I-I Love you Levi." Levi stutters a bit, "I Love you to L-Lucas."

I release Him and he kisses my forehead, "You're so cute you know that Lucas?" I Blush, "N-NO IM NOT!!" He smiles, "Yes you are baby." I Blush Harder, "B-Baby!?" Levi nods and before he could reply the door rang. Levi went and opened the door. The pizza dilivary guy gives Levi our pizza and leaves. I follow Levi to the kitchen. He sat down in a chair and sat down and I sit on his lap, "Puppy, how am I supposed to eat like this~?" I blush and smirk, "I don't know figure it out honey." I grab a piece of pizza and eat it. Me and Levi enjoy our pizza and put the leftovers in the fridge. Levi carries me back to my room. I yawn and Levi rubs my thigh, "Are you tired Puppy?" I blush and look away nodding. Levi lays down and puts my head on his chest, "Then let's sleep." I give Levi a good night kiss and lay my head on his chest. We both slowly start to fall asleep. 

 End Of chapter 7

A/N: Yep spicy chapter. More chapters will be coming out so stay tuned!

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