Chapter 9 - Flashback.

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A/N: This is a Flashback of When Lucas and River were dating. Sensitive Topic in this chapter. Please do not read if not comfortable- (Mentions of SH and Rape-)

I was in class talking to my younger brother Zane when I was hugged behind by my boyfriend River. We've been dating for months and don't get me wrong I was happy. But.. The more I hung out with him the more I realized he only wanted me for his lustful desires.. I plaster a fake smile on my face, "Hey Lucas- Wanna.. Go to the bathroom with me real quick." Zane looks at me and gives me the "Oh my god again" look. Zane doesn't know how I actually feel about Me and Rivers  Relationship. I haven't told anyone about how I truly feel. I just push it down. I nod slowly. I walk behind River slowly to the bathroom. I wish I knew how to say no..

~~After That Happened (Not going into detail-)~~

The rest of the day went smoothly.. Well.. that's what people would say..But for me it didn't. River kept asking for.. make out sessions.. I didn't want to. I can't even remember the last conversation we actually had that didn't lead to us doing stuff.. I wish he would stop. I wish the relationship was normal.. just like all the other happy couples. I walk out of my class and River taps my shoulder in the hallway, "what is it River.." He whispers in my ear, "I want you Sweetie~" I push him away, "I don't want to.." He pins me to the locker, "What was that. I couldn't hear you- But I'm pretty sure you said you didn't want to." I look him in the eyes, "Yes I said No. I don't want to River." River grabs my wrist really hard and drags me to the restroom. I start crying, "River please I don't want to.."  


I lay on the bathroom floor.. Still.. cold.. What time is it.. I don't know.. I start crying as I lay on the floor covered in bruises and hickies. I don't know how much I can take anymore.. Suddenly someone walks into the bathroom, "Holy shit Lucas!?" Zane rushes to me and picks me up, "WHO DID THIS..?" I stare at him silently. Like a dead corpse.. unable to speak. 


Zane Takes me home and cleans me up. I could see him fighting the urge to cry. He's been quiet ever since he asked who did this to me. I didn't answer. Not that I didn't want to.. I just couldn't speak. Zane Looks at me, "Lucas.. I need to know who the fuck did this to you." I stare at him emotionless. Zane sighs and Carries me into my room laying me down on my bed, "I'll come check on you later.. When I do.. please tell me who did this." Zane leaves my room. I stare at the wall. Unable to think about anything else except what happened in the bathroom. I stand up and walk to my mirror. I could see all the bruises on my body. I could see images of what he did to me replaying in my head on a constant loop.. that I can never escape. I grab a knife as I roll up my sleeves. 


Zane enters my room as I sit on my bed staring at my wall. He sits next to me and grabs my hand. I flinch and pull it away. Zane looks at me, "Lucas.. Please tell me.." I look away from the wall and face Zane. He was crying. The hurt in his eyes seeing me in pain. I could see it all. And before I knew it.. I started crying too, "Lucas. Who did this to you. I can help you." I cry harder and the only thing I was able to get out of my mouth was...


End of a chapter 9 (Flashback)

A/N: I'm sorry if this was a really sensitive topic for some people. But please if this ever happens to you tell someone. Because they can help. And they will stop whoever is doing this to you. Thank you for reading. And stay tuned for chapter 10

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