
86 2 0

Rank #6 Agent Innit (Tommy)

Rank #6 Agent Underscore (Tubbo)

Rank #2 Agent Beloved (Ranboo)

Top Agent (Rank #1) NotFound (George)

I'm just gonna talk about how the ranks works.

By the way. The ranks are not by people. It is by strength and how great you are of a agent.

There are 8 ranks.

Rank 8th's are newbies.

Rank 7ths are beginners.

Rank 6ths are when every agent starts to actually do agent stuff.

Rank 5ths are more experienced.

Rank 4ths are most likely used to how it works.

Rank 3rds are most likely the ones who memorized the rule books and the training books.

Rank 2nds are well trained, well skilled, and well talented.

Top Agents or the Rank 1sts are the best of the best.



No info about him.

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