Chapter 19

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"They're holding pretty tightly." George muttered.

"What was that?" Dream asked.

"Nothing." George responded.

Dream didn't take that for an answer, but he let it slide. And if it were that important, the 'bodyguards' sort of thing would have alerted him.

Midway through the 'reunion'. A door opened and someone came in. Then it closed.

"Who's that?" Wilbur asked.

"Dream." The person states.

"What is it now, Tommy?" Dream replied.

The 3 agents were shocked.

"May I have permission to eliminate Agent Beloved... And Agent Underscore?" He asked.

"Of course you have permission!" Dream answered joyfully. "But I thought you wanted to spare Agent Underscore?" Dream added.

"He has decided to replace me." Tommy replied.

"How could they do such a thing?" Sapnap stated. Feeling bad about what happened to Tommy.

"You are one of a kind and irreplaceable! They're gonna pay for replacing you." Karl stated. Feeling anger about Agent Underscore replacing Tommy with someone whose worse! (Do not bash me for describing Ranboo like that. I had to write it like that for the plot)

"I know..." He replied.

"How could Underscore replace you? He wouldn't even do anything because he was waiting for you." George replied.

"Yeah, he said it was because you promised each other that you'll do everything together" Wilbur adds.

"Apparently. He found someone else, and has moved on." Tommy states. Glaring at the two who tried to defend Tubbo.

"You need to fix your glare. To make them actually scared, try to do something like glare daggers at them. Not literally but you get what I'm saying." Techno recommended.

"Techno!" Wilbur whisper-shouted.

"Tommy!! Wait!!" A voice was heard shouting from behind.

They arrived. And froze at the site.

"You." Tommy glares daggers at his so called best friend. He looked terrified. 'Man, that Techno guy really knows how to scare people. Probably should thank him later.' Tommy thought.

"Please Tommy! I didn't want anyone to die! I didn't choose which friend I wanted! I only chose for people not to die! Please can you forgive me??" Tubbo kneeled asking for forgiveness.

"I'm not falling for you stupid tricks." Tommy states in an annoyed and irritated tone.

"Of course, you aren't. 'Cause you're so f***ing smart" Ranboo taunted.

Everyone stares at him. Some glared.

Ranboo directly went to Tubbo and pulled him behind him.

"I don't want you anywhere near Tubbo." Ranboo states.

"Hm. I don't want you anywhere near him too." Tommy replied.

"You know what? I don't know what Tubbo sees in you, but I know you are pure evil!" Ranboo commented.

Which made Tommy angry.

"Ranboo, please don't-" "No Tubbo! I don't want to hear you ranting about how Tommy is still good! Can't you see? He's a monster. He isn't the same person you knew before! He's changed! Why can't you accept that?!" Tubbo started but was caught off by Ranboo.

"Me? A monster? How about tell that to your agency? Do you know how many people they have killed!?" Tommy shouted.

"So what if they did? They were doing it for a reason. But you! But you are doing it because of your jealousy!" Ranboo responded.

"Who told you that! I am doing this to avenge my family!" Tommy shouted back.

"You don't even know if the UnFound Agency was actually behind all of this!" Ranboo shouted in retaliation.

"Can both of you please shut the f**k up!!?" Tubbo shouted. Making the two stop.

"Thank you." Tubbo states.
"Ranboo, you're going too far with this. Can't you turn it down a notch?" Tubbo asked Ranboo.

"I won't. I am making a point over here!" Ranboo replied.

"How about we just talk it out?" Tubbo recommended.

"I don't feel like talking to him." Tommy points at Ranboo.

"Same here." Ranboo replied.

'This is gonna be a long day...' Tubbo thought.


Oh how surprising. Trying to make things work out... But will it actually work? Most likely no. But it's worth a try right?

This is your Author, E11a_N1c3, wishing you all an amazing day!

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