Chapter 15

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The lights that they had were cut off, their night-vision things didn't work as well. The next thing Top Agent NotFound knew, was that he was in a different room.

'Must be a teleportation device or something.' He thought.

He looked around the room. Looks like a typical throne room. Red carpet leading to the throne. Which was decorated with greeneries like plants and vines. The cushion was green. There were Green flags on the walls.

He didn't understand. If someone wanted  him here... Why isn't anyone here?

"Looking for someone?" A voice asked.

"I know that voice anywhere.... Dream." NotFound replied.

"How was the reunion with Sapnap?" Dream asks joyfully.

"Yeah. It was great." I replied sarcastically.

"And why don't you drop your code name? George." Dream state.

"What do you want." George asked. Annoyed by the fact he's here instead of helping his fellow agents.

"Oh nothing. Nothing's wrong with a little chat. But chit-chat isn't fun without friends..." Dream answers

Then suddenly. Karl, Sapnap, Quackity, Halo, and even Skeppy went out of the shadows.

"Oh. Let's not forget about Wilbur and Techno..." Dream replies. And then sees two soldiers holding Wilbur and at least 5 on Techno.

"Restraints won't work. So that will be fine." Dream answers the question that
George would have asked.

George glares at Dream. But he smirks in response.

"The incident 2 years ago lead to this? Couldn't have expected that." Skeppy states.

"What incident..." George mutters and then stares at the realization.

"What did you do to Agent Innit!" George marched up to Dream grabbing him by his collar.

"Let's not talk about that right now. This is a reunion remember? It should be about us and our progress in life." Halo replied.

"I don't even know who you are." George snarls.

"You don't know the wealthiest person in town?" Quackity states.

'Has this man not have contact with the outside world since he became an agent or what?' Quackity thought.

"Of course I do, but I haven't met him in person!!" George replied. Letting go of Dream and now looking in the direction of the three.

"Woah. What happened?" A voice was heard from behind.

"Where are we?" The voice added.

Everyone stated at the two held up boys. One already awake the other slightly.

"We're at Dream's idiot." Techno replied.

"How was I supposed to know!?" Wilbur replied.

"Oh. How long were you guys awake?" Sapnap asked. Making the two boys look at the people in front of them.

"Everyone's here. Great. Just great." Wilbur stated sarcastically.

"Welcome to the reunion!" Dream replied greatfully.

"It would be a very nice Reunion, if we could move freely." Techno suggested.

"I can't let you do that. Because you'll try to stop us, incapacitate us, or escape." Sapnap replied.

"Of course we will. We don't want to be here." Wilbur states making it sound as annoying as possible.

"Then why is Agent NotFound not restrained?!" Wilbur shouts out. Noticing  the agent surrounded by the 'bad guys'.

"Because. He doesn't have the guts to actually fight us." Halo replied.

"You." Wilbur glares at the wealthy man and his best friend beside the enemies.

He was right. Most of the rich people here in town are corrupt.

"Yes. Us." Halo smirks at the man while his best friend, Skeppy, has a face full of confusion.

He seemed to have muttered something. But no one noticed.

But one of them did.

' 'I'm not supposed to be here, aren't I?' He's definitely not supposed to be involved in all of this. He just had to be Halo's best friend huh ' Techno thought.

He was one of the people great at reading lips. Which is one of his skills. Making it easier for him to incapacitate the other side when he knows what they're planning.

He doesn't have enhanced hearing, as what Wilbur would blame it on, it was mearly a skill he learned while training to be the best agents around.

"Sigh. Tell me" Techno started and everyone came closer. Dream was the closest while the rest was guarding NotFound.



You do..




Friends reuniting. How funny. But what about the other group of friends? What will they do to reunite once more?

The older ones may not be that comfortable with each other being enemies. But for the two former best friends...

What can a past friendship do to bring back the past?

This is your Author, E11a_N1c3, wishing you all an amazing day!

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