Chapter 4

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It's been years since the incident. I was 15. Agent Innit or the person I called Tommy was 14. It's been 2 years. He would've been 16 right now. While I was 17. I miss him. I miss him a lot.

Beloved? He's a Top Agent now. Me? I'm a rank #2 Agent. Almost at the peak.

That mission boosted me and Beloved above from our ranks. But I still can't accept the price we payed to finish the mission. I lost a friend. The Agency lost a great asset. We lost a teammate.

They accepted the fact I never wanted to go to a mission regarding that place nor it's owner. I just can't.. It hurts to imagine what they're doing to him. It hurts. They could've tortured him for information! They might've even killed him!

And it's my fault. All my fault. I should've pulled him with me while I was running. He would've still be here right now.

"Agent Underscore." Beloved called.

"Yes. Agent B?" I replied.

"Me and Agent NF have just spoken to each other about this case. I know you don't want to get involved in anything relating to him. But you don't have a choice in this one. We can't deploy any other agents and we're deploying Rank 3 and under, we don't want the 'incident' to happen again. Other Rank 2's are currently on their own missions. Leaving you the only person that can help." He stated.

So he wants me to help them get to the chase about Dream!? I hate that guy. He might've done things to Tommy.

I sighed. "Look Beloved.." I started.

"I know. Underscore. I know. But you can't keep running away from it forever." He replied.

"Fine. I'll do it. Who am I coming with?" I asked.

"Me and Agent NF" He replied joyfully.

"Ok. When?" I asked once more.

"Tomorrow." He replied blankly. And left.

I get why they won't let any random agent do it. Because they're scared that what happened to Tommy or Agent Innit could happen to them too. I can't stand the fact why me. Why did it have to be me. Why did I become this free to be chosen for this mission. And with the Top Agents!? Are they really testing me or something?

But Beloved's right. I should stop running away from it. I should just face the truth. It's in the past. Tommy would want me to move on. Live a great life! Be alive for him. Have freedom for him. Do everything for him. He saved Tubbo. By sacrificing himself.

It shouldn't have to come to this moment. I can't. I just can't.

No! Tubbo! Pull yourself together! Tommy would want you to be strong. It's just a simple mission. It will be over in a few hours.

I can do this. I can do this.

I can.

And I will.

For the Agency.

And most importantly..

For Tommy.


It's been years. But they aren't forgotten. Their sacrifice will always be remembered. But if they just didn't take on the mission. Would this be their future?

This is your Author, E11a_N1c3, wishing you all an amazing day!

Finished writing Chapter on May 10 2023

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