Chapter 5

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"Agent Beloved, Agent Underscore. Report to Meeting Room No. 578." I spoke through the microphone.

I don't want to put Agent Underscore in a situation like this again. I know how sad and traumatic that experience was for him. Maybe even for Agent Innit.

I found out that they were full time agents. Meaning they had no family. No nothing. Just each other. I checked the files of every agent. The Rank #6 agents, Innit and Underscore.

Innit was found in an alleyway and was given a chance to survive by working for this organization. He was found alone. No memory of his family.

While Underscore was in a troubled household. His mother died, and his father was... Abusive. And an alcoholic. Which lead to his death. Leaving Underscore to be alone.

I found out that their real names were Tommy and Tubbo (Toby). They were so young. The incident happened when Tommy was 14 and Tubbo was 15. Rank #6 agents. Why did they deploy Number 6 agents to a mission to the most secure fortress in the world!

They weren't trained that much yet. Why.

While I was stuck in thought, I didn't notice the two were already there.

"NotFound? You there?" Beloved waved his hand in front of my face.

"Yeah. Yeah." I responded.

"I believe Agent Beloved here has already told you about the mission, Agent Underscore?" I pointed.

"Yeah.." He responded quietly.

"I'm just gonna go straight to the point. We all know the layout of the Sleepy Fortress am I correct?" They nodded in response.

"Tomorrow, we are going to obtain this new potion brew and a crystal. And if you ask why. Dream and his army, or whatever, are planning to use it to destroy us. Yes. Specifically us. The Unfound Agency. And it will affect me, you, and you. Is that clear?"

"Yeah." Underscore responded.

"*Sigh* Agent U. I know this is hard for you because you lost Agent Innit there, but I'm sure he will like for you to move on." I comforted.

"Yeah.. I know. It was why I decided to do this gig." He responded nonchalantly.

"Okay then, Beloved. Go over the exact plan." I gestured to him while he opened his laptop.

A PowerPoint presentation! He was ready for this.

"Okay so. This" he points. "Is where the vault is. They moved it to the 5th floor. But what they didn't know is that we know when they change their layouts and or their security systems. I see that they blocked off their vents. That was how we got in last time. So. Agent Underscore, can you brew up invisibility potions for all three of us? I remember you specialize in that now."

"Yeah. Yeah! I can do that" Underscore responds happily.

"Ok. We are going through the front door. There is no other way. And we will be taking the stairs up to the fifth floor. Because using an elevator will be hard just in case a lot of people will come in." He pauses showing an animation of what he was talking about.

I should say. He did improve from our last visit from that place. He has made a lot of improvements. His plans are even more well thought out.

"Then when we get there. There are lazers. Even if you are in invisible. The lazers will be able to detect you. So the best thing you could do is dodge them. We all went through that in training. So we'll manage. I will crack the safe slash vault. But if I can't Agent Underscore will make one of his Silent Bombs. And then Agent NotFound will turn off the cameras. He will also have the full map layout of the place. He also has some gadgets we could use if ever we got caught. Is the plan clear?" He stated.

"Yep. I'll work on the Potions and the Silent Bomb right away!" Underscore shouted.

"I'll tune up my gadgets." I replied.

He nodded in response.

"Meeting is over. We will meet again Tomorrow at Garage No. 14" I stated.

"Isn't Garage 14 only for Top Agents? Which means I can't go-" Agent Underscore said outloud.

"Don't worry. As both of your Teammates are Top Agents. You'll be fine." I stated.

And the meeting was over. I just hope everything goes to plan.


Our main character improved. More efficient plans made. Another plan. But will it actually be different? Would the outcomes be the same? How they hate going there. Our main character once again agreed.

Finished writing on May 11 2023

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