Chapter 6

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We arrived at Garage Number 14. Both me and Underscore sat at the back. While NotFound drived.

After a few hours. We were there.

The place. Where a lot of things Happened. We did succeed in our mission. But at what cost? The Freedom of our Agent. Agent Innit was lost. He was left. We left him there. Alone. With Dream. Could he have tortured him for information? What if he's already dead? But most of all, What if he's still alive?

That would be nice.

"Here. Invisibility potions." Underscore stated and gave two to each of us.

"Drink one for when we are going. The second for when we are leaving." He stated.

Then our plan commensed.

We slowly walked inside. It was the first time I actually looked at how it was decorated. It was white Green and Black. Dream's colors. But there was tiny bits of blue too. What could this mean. I glanced at the door which locked us out. But kept Innit in. He is 'In it'. Oh wait, bad time to joke about this. We walked to the stairs. It opened automatically. I looked around. Phew. No one noticed. We went inside.

Walked. And walked. And walked to the 5th floor.

It was tiring. Yes. But it will be worth it.

We arrived at the 5th floor. NotFound worked quickly to turn off the cameras. The thing about the Rank Number 2s and the Top Agents is that they don't need to speak during the mission. The only thing they needed was to know the plan. That was it.

He managed to turn in off. Then here comes one of the hard parts.  Dodging the lazers. This will be fun.

The lazers were Green. Typical. It is his favorite color.

We dodged the lazers coming from left and right. It was surprisingly easy. Too easy.

We arrived at the vault. I was never able to open in. But Underscore's silent bomb was able to open it.

"What.." Underscore stated quietly. But sounding shock.

"Why? What is it?" NotFound asked. But stopped when he looked inside.

"There's nothing there..." I stated.

We froze in shock. This couldn't be a trap. It can't be.

Before we knew it, we fell though a trap door.

A dark room. Great. Just great.

"Is everyone here?" NotFound asked.

"Yep." Underscore and I responded.

"They expected us." He stated.

"Oh yes. Master was able to figure out that you will be able to get in here so he set up a trap for you." One of Dream's soldiers stated.

"Let us go." Underscore stated.

"I'll handle them." Someone else said. We heard slow and quiet footsteps getting closer.

Until we saw who it was..

It was...

"Agent Innit?"


The friend he lost. Was actually there. Why didn't they come back for him, you may ask. Their friend was trapped and thought to be gone. But seeing them again makes everyone surprised.    But was he still the same person they knew?

This is your Author, E11a_N1c3, wishing you all an amazing day!

Finished writing the chapter on May 11 2023

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