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niragis pov

ah fuck what the hell type of game is this?!? no fucking rules?! so were just supposed to run around freely with people who have guns and shit!? luckily i brought my ow-


" AGH FUCK YOU WHAT THE FUCK YOU BASTARD " i scream out as some BASTARD shot me in the fucking shoulder and stomach!! it hurts like fucking shit! i grab my gun and shoot the man who did the same to me and i shot him exactly 38 times through his stomach.

i watch as he falls to the ground feeling absolutely no sympathy for him at all. people start to fight left and right and i slowly crawl to a corner to shoot every single one of them and get out of this hellhole and rest. i get to a corner and grab my gun, then start shooting every player, being the last one standing.

" game cleared! " i hear that annoying woman from the phone say as i sigh. i try to walk out of the game but i struggle. a lot. just as i get out of the game, i fall to my knees and cough up blood. " niragi what the hell! " aguni says while running over.

" what happened?! " he says while helping me up and getting me to a car to get back to the beach. i start to feel weak and i pass out.


hmm.. i stir awake to see my room. well that's a relief. i feel a lot of pain in my stomach as i try to get up. " don't sit up, you'll just feel even worse. " i hear a voice from next to me. i look over to see chishiya in a chair looking at me. " how long have you been here? " i ask weirded out.

" not very long, hatter informed me that you got shot and that since i was a med student, i needed to take care of you until your healed. " he explains to me. he was a med student? anyways i scowl at him. " i don't need your help i'm fi-"

i get cut off as i cough blood onto myself. great. " you sure about that? " he says to me while getting up and grabbing something. " i'm fine, i was shot twice so what do you expect. " i say to him trying to convince him i don't need him or anyone to help me.

" well yeah, but coughing up blood seems to be concerning when your not bleeding out. " he says while coming up to me with a medical kit. " can i take a look at your wounds? " he asks while holding the medical kit. i roll my eyes but sit and slowly and start to take my shirt off to show him the wounds.

he slightly looks away and i smirk. " what, do you not wanna see my wounds anymore? " i tease. he looks back at me seriously and i roll my eyes again. learn to take a joke. i fully take my shirt off and he gets on his knees and starts to look at the two wounds. " this may sting a bit. " he explains as i grit my teeth waiting for pain.

jesus. he was right this does fucking sting. i grunt as he puts a wet cloth on the wound on my stomach then he takes it off quickly. " just do it " i say to him. he slowly starts to tap the cloth around my wound cleaning up dried blood then he gets another cloth and puts it on my wound. oh fuck

he soon takes the cloth off and wraps a bandage around my stomach. " i'm gonna do your shoulder now " he says not giving me a choice. i roll my eyes. if i could, i would've kicked him out of my room but these hurt like shit so i guess some extra help would be fine.

he does the same process as what he did to my stomach then wraps my shoulder with a bandage. i take notice of how focused he looks and i don't look away. not sure why.

then i realise something. " hey how did you even get into my room?! " i ask still weirded out. " well you weren't in here for too long either. hatter and aguni brought you here while telling me to patch you up then they left me in your room with you. " he explains.

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