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chishiyas pov

" wait so he was actually listening to you? " kuina said shocked while i nodded. " that's so out of character for him, did you say anything to blackmail him or something? " she says jokingly while chuckling. " we can only wish " i said while looking down and grinning.

" well at least he won't bust his ass at his next game, we hope (hope he busts his ass..) " kuina tells me whispering the last part to me. " that would mean i would have to take care of him again " i explain to her while looking up at her. " but then he will listen to you the whole way through and you can keep reminding him of how you were right " kuina explains while giggling now.

i grin and look down again. " also i'm doing my nails later, do you wanna come? " she asks while holding up her hands and showing me her plain nails. " no thanks but thanks for the offer " i reply awkwardly. " suit yourself, just saying i will have better nails then you! " she sings in a cheerful voice.

" keep telling yourself that " i answer and she looks back at me offended. " uh i will! " she says while raising her hands back jokingly. i roll my eyes playfully. " hey well i'm gonna go get my nails done now, cya later! " she says and i wave to her, she then walks off.

i sigh not really knowing what to do now. " hey!! " i hear a voice from behind me.

i turn around to see a taller boy then me and a shorter boy then me. " hey! i'm asher, this is reiji my boyfriend. we've heard that your like really good with medical supplies and we were wondering if you could patch up our friend keiko, she got pretty beat up from a game. "

the taller boy explains to me and i look at them for a few seconds in silent realising it's the two from the room me and niragi walked past. " sorry, weird question-"

" i can, sorry i zoned out. where is she? " i answer and they both smile at each other. " follow us, she's sitting on one of the stairs because we tried to patch her up ourselves but we kinda made it worse.. " the taller boy explains again. well asher explains.

we walk over to where she is and i see the girl has a huge scar down her leg. " jesus. " i say wondering how the hell that happened. " sorry if we are asking for a lot but she's in a lot of pain and we didn't know what else to do. " the shorter boy tells me.

i nod and tell them how it's okay and i quickly walk and get a medical kit. i come back to them and sit down infront of the girl and start to clean the wound, dried blood, bandage it, all of the rest. after i finished, i gave her a spare bandage and she thanked me silently.

" thank you so much! do you need anything in return? " asher asks me while reiji nods and i shake my head. " it's fine, make sure she rests her leg for a while and just get her to take it easy. " i explain while they nod and thank me again. i grin and turn around and start to walk away while i hear them talk to the girl.

they actually seem pretty nice but it's whatever, i decided to go check up on niragi so i walk up a different flight of stairs since going up the flight of stairs the three were on would be beyond embarrassing. i make it up to the third floor and i walk up to niragis door. i knock twice and wait for anything.

" yes? " i hear from inside. " hey " i say from the other side of the door and soon i hear and see the door open while i get dragged inside. " hello niragi " i say to him while he lets go of my wrist letting me free. " hey shortie. " he says while smirking. shortie? seriously.

" seriously? " i ask while he nods, still smirking. " anyways what do you want " he asks but not in a rude way? i guess. " just came up to check on you and see if you escaped. " i explain while grinning at him. " well perfect timing, i was just about to go to the rooftop. " he tells me.

i send him a glare but he chuckles. " just kidding jesus, i was getting a glass of water. " he says which makes me stop glareing at him and nod slightly.


i'm so sorry for such a short chapter😞 i was really busy this week with school and school work was stressing me out so i feel really tired but tomorrow i will write more i promise<33

again i'm really sorry! :(

but tomorrow i will probably start oneshot book so that if i'm too tired to write a chapter of this then i will write a oneshot is that okay?<3


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