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chishiyas pov

" are you gonna take some medicine? " i ask him looking at the box of medicine still on his bedside table. " forgot i had that, might as well. " he explains and goes over to grab the box, i stay silent and i wait for him still in his room to come back from the bathroom. i hear the door open from behind me and niragi comes back out.

" shit i'm so tired and i gotta play a game tonight " he explains and i almost laugh. " guess you should've listened to me hm? " i tease and he rolls his eyes playfully. " okay you were right, is that what you wanna hear? " he replies and i nod satisfied. " you should rest for a while, you've still got at least 4 hours until the game so get as much rest as possible. " i explain to him while he nods at me.

" i'm gonna need it, i don't even know what game i'm playing yet. " niragi says and this time i nod at him while looking down slightly. i put my hands in my pocket also. " if it makes you feel any better i'm also playing a game tonight " i say trying to lighten the mood, very out of character for me.

" that sucks, who's gonna be my personal nurse? " he says while smirking at me. personal nurse? is that all he thinks of me? " is that all you think of me? a personal nurse? " i ask kinda hurt. not sure why. " shit sorry that's not what i meant at all, i was just saying your a really good doctor and stuff, i didn't mean for it to sound like that " he explains while looking down at me sincerely.

well that's a first. i look down and sorta smile. when i'm done having this smile fit or whatever i look back up at him and nod. " that's good, i would be worried if that's all you thought of me " i say while grinning and closing my eyes, tilting my head slightly. " you should get some rest now, times ticking " i tell niragi then he walks over to his bed, i follow after.

" you gonna get in? " he asks teasingly. " if you want " i answer grinning back at him, surprising him a bit. " well why not? cmon " he says and tugs my wrist lightly, making me get into his bed with him. luckily the covers and sheets are cold so i can rest peacefully since resting in a warm bed sucks.

" is this okay? " he asks me as i feel his arms snake around my waist. i nod and rest my head on top of his, my arms around his shoulders. who knew me and someone i possibly hated the most would become this close, i don't even know what we are at this point. are we friends? are we lovers? i don't know. i wont ask because it will just be awkward and i might ruin things.

i decide just to stay silent until he speaks up. of course i don't expect him to which is fine, i don't want to start fighting and hate each other again. if i'm being honest i'm actually enjoying spending time with niragi. he's not as bad as he seems. i assume niragi fell asleep already so i decide to fall asleep also, seeing that i can't go anywhere anyway

i sigh then start to close my eyes. i didn't realise how tired i was until i did close my eyes and almost immediately i fall asleep.

niragis pov

that was the best sleep ever. hands down. i start to open my eyes almost sadly seeing soon i had to play a game and leave my comfy bed and be in pain again. i would also have to leave chishiya. i hope he's safe. what? whatever he'll find a way to survive anyways.

i turn over onto my back and stare at the ceiling waiting for chishiya to wake up. i see that it's almost dark outside so we would need to leave soon. i sigh then look over at chishiya. he looks peaceful and cute so i want to leave him be for now. i sigh again then finally get out of my bed carefully not to wake chishiya up then i go and get changed ready for the game.

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