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niragis pov

the meeting was boring as usual. hatter always talking about the same bullshit over and over, even some rando from this place would be a better meeting host. the meeting FINALLY ends and we all get up, just sitting in there makes my legs get numb because of how long we were waiting there.

me and chishiya walk out and some of the other executives give us a weird look because everyone thought we hated each other. " it's funny. " he says softly and i look down at him with a confused look. " what is? " i ask and he looks back up at me. " everyone thinks we hate each other " he explains and i scoff a laugh.

" i wouldn't blame them, before we use to get at each other's throats every 5 minutes " i say and chishiya raises an eyebrow. " and who's fault is that? " he asks teasingly and i roll my eyes playfully. " whatever, let's go now " i say and start walking, chishiya following behind me.

" where are we off to? " he asks while putting his hands in his pocket. " rooftop? then maybe after a while back to my room. " i say back and he nods. " rooftop. perfect place to clear your head. " i hear chishiya say and i nod. " great thing we're going there then " i reply and chishiya scoffs a laugh this time.

we start to walk up to the rooftop and once we get there, i open the big doors and we walk over to the edge. " so.. since you know what i did, what did you do before the borderlands? " chishiya asks me and i stay silent. " i was a collage student. " i reply while taking a cigarette out of my pocket, as well as a lighter.

" wow, i was expecting a mass murderer but okay " he says back and i scoff jokingly. " i wish " i reply and he chuckles. " if we ever get out of this place, do you hunk you'll continue to be a collage student? " i hear chishiya ask genuinely. " i guess so. what about you? you think you'll continue to be a med student when we get out of here? " i ask while blowing smoke from the cigarette.

" most likely, i want to be able to help as many people as i can once we are back to our world. " he replies and i look down at him confused. " how come? i mean you rarely help anyone apart from kuina and me here so what makes it any different in the real world? " i ask while throwing the cigarette away and he looks up at me, then back down to the floor.

" i had a patient once and he needed a huge surgery to survive, everything was going smoothly until my boss told me the surgery needed to be postponed. for some important niece of his or something. but the thing is, if we postponed it the patient wouldn't survive. i was forced to tell the patients mother the surgery was to be postponed but i didn't tell her that the patient wouldn't survive if the surgery was postponed. soon after my bosses niece was done with the surgery, the patients breaths stopped and he died infront of his mother. his mother broke down in the middle of the hospital and nobody did anything about it, not even me. i feel guilt til this day. the patient was just a kid. "

i stare at chishiya with my mouth slightly agape. i don't know why but all i did was hug him. he didn't hug back, he just stayed as he was, not crying but he was looking down with a non readable face expression. " i'm sorry chishiya. " i say feeling bad for the shorter one in my arms.

" it's not your fault niragi, you don't have to say sorry. " he says and i don't reply. " i feel guilt for not helping as best as i could, so i aspire to be one who does help to the best of their ability. " he says and i keep hugging him silently, not knowing what to say.

" ... what did you study in collage? " he asks after a few seconds and i start to remember the bad memories again. " i... i forgot. " i reply trying to forget everything that happened in the collage. " i see, i hope we meet again once we get out of this place. " chishiya says calmly while looking up at me.

i nod while slightly grinning at him. " that's if we ever get out of this place. " i say and he sighs. " it's good to have some hope " he replies and i nod again. " guess so " i answer and soon we pull apart from the long hug. " i guess we should go back now " i say and he nods.

we walk inside again and walk to my room. " first can we stop by my room so i can at least get some spare clothes? " chishiya asks and i nod while rolling my eyes playfully. we walk to his room and once we get there, chishiya opens the door and we both walk in.

" why don't we just stay here instead? i mean we are already here " chishiya insists but i decline. " your clothes won't fit me, let's go now that you've got your clothes shortie " i tease and he rolls his eyes jokingly. i think.

we walk back out of his room and he locks his door. we then start to walk back to my room. once we finally get there, i open the door and we both walk in. " do you wanna have a shower? " i ask him and he nods, i walk over to my bed and sit down while i wait for chishiya to finish his shower.

i start to get memories from what happened this morning and i shake my head to get the.. image out of my head. after a few minutes, i hear the water turn off and after another few minutes i see chishiya walk out in a fully zipped up white jacket and some black joggers.

" your turn " he says and i groan jokingly. " fine " i say getting up dramatically and i walk past him into the bathroom. after i finish my shower, i dry myself off and get dressed, then slightly drying my hair with the towel. for once i don't have a man bun in and my hair is damp.

i walk out and find chishiya waiting on my bed.

chishiyas pov

i wait for niragi on his bed and when he walks out i stare at him. he looks hot. " stare much? " he says while smirking and walking over. i roll my eyes and roll over in a lying down position in his bed. he lies down next to me and he wraps his arms around my waist.

" are you always going to squish me to sleep? " i ask teasingly and he nods. not what i expected but when do i ever expect what niragi's going to do, niragi's basically the definition of 'never let them know your next move'.

" goodnight. " i say quietly and niragi doesn't reply, most likely already asleep. i sigh then try to fall asleep as well but the most annoying thing happens and i don't fall asleep until maybe 30 minutes to an hour later.

once i finally get sleepy enough, i get comfy and close my eyes to fall asleep.



im gonna try to update this more often but i'll usually update the oneshots the most<3

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