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niragis pov

throughout the night i started to wake up hugging a certain blond. i looked down to see chishiya fast asleep with his face digged into my chest while my arms are wrapped around him and his hands over over my shoulders. i don't react like i would with anyone else and i stay in the position not wanting to wake him.

i yawn as quiet as i can and look down at him again. why am i doing this? don't i hate him? doesn't he hate me? i'm confused but i roll my eyes and push those thoughts away honestly kind of enjoying this moment. i push some of his hair out of his face and look at his resting face. i never noticed how cute he was until up close. what?!

why am i thinking this?! how am i thinking this?! he's lucky i'm not pushing him out of my bed and kicking him out. how did we even end up like this anyway? i sigh and try to fall back asleep but it doesn't work. i don't want to move though. ughhh what do i do?!

he looks peaceful and if i move he will wake up. but i don't want to move. but i can't fall back asleep. all i have are L options. i think for a moment, hmm what can i do? maybe try harder to fall asleep? i force my eyes shut and hug chishiya a little tighter, i don't mean to so i slightly let go.

i'm so bored. i groan but i accidentally wake chishiya up. great job niragi. " niragi? " he says waking up still. " uhh no. " i reply not knowing what to say. " what time is it? " he says tiredly totally ignoring my sarcastic response. " nit sure, i'd say about 1am or something " i tell him. " sigh. " he says while sitting up slightly.

" where are you going? " i ask. " i wanna go to my room to get music. " he tells me. wait music? " music? " i ask while also slightly sitting up. " yes, music. hatter allowed me to have the beach party music, there was two record players and one belongs to me. " he explains.

" no fair " i say teasingly. " well you snooze you loose. " the blond says while getting out of my bed and walking over to my door, i follow. " following me again? " he says teasingly. " why wouldn't i? gotta make sure you come back. " i reply smirking and also teasingly. he sighs then i open the door and we walk down the hall to his room. " why does your room have to be so far? " i ask complainingly but jokingly.

" not my fault, ask hatter " he states the obvious and we keep walking. we arrive at his room and i watch as he opens his door then walks inside. " should we just stay here the night? " he asks but i shake my head. " no, i don't have a change of clothes and while we are here you could grab a spare change of clothes. " i tell him and he nods.

" have it your way but don't start complaining again. " he says while grinning, getting a record player, earbuds and some spare clothes. " i'm done, let's go now " he says and we start to walk back to my room. when we get there, he places the spare clothes on some random basket i have in my room and we go to lay down again.

" you want one? " he asks while handing me and earbud, not signalling anything on his face. i take the earbud and i watch as he presses a button and music starts playing. Buddy Holly by weezer. i know this song from the beach parties. i don't like it that much but it's fine ig, it's still music.

we lay down as it plays for a big then i look down at chishiya to see he's already fast asleep again. jesus. i turn the music down a bit and close my eyes, trying to get to sleep. it works and after a few minutes i doze off.

time skip

i start to wake up again with light coming into my room. i look down to not see chishiya there anymore. uh. where did he run off to this time? i roll my eyes and turn over to see a note on my bedside table. i sit up and pick the note up to read what it says.

𝐃𝐎𝐍𝐓 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐀𝐊 | 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘶𝘦𝘥Where stories live. Discover now