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warnings!!! blade mentions in this chapter! this is just a quick fluff post so you don't have to read if uncomfortable!!!
chishiyas pov

shit.. i sigh and walk back to the car to get back to the beach with a blade in the side of my waist. i can't take it out or else i'll bleed out, i need medical supplies. i hide the blood stain with my hand and i arrive at the car with kuina waiting. " hey are you okay? " she asks.

" y..yea i'm fine, i got punched hard in my side. " i explain feeling slight pain. kuina gives me a worried look then we both hop into the car.  i lean on the side of the door while looking out the window feeling a lot of pain from moving and sitting down. once we arrive, we get out and i straight away get to the medical room, no one really goes there anymore so it's perfect to use.

i make my way there still holding my side only slightly since there's a large blade there. once i arrive i open the door weakly and go to find 2 medical kits just in case. i get to one of the beds and go on my knees so i'm not arching my side when i take the blade out.

i turn slightly to my side and put my hand on the handle of it. i hesitate for a few seconds before fully trying to rip it out but it causes horrible pain and i whimper loudly. i try doing it more slow and it hurts more but it's slowly coming out. i let out painful sobs as i fully rip it out and i heavily breath when i throw it somewhere else on the bed i'm on.

" chishiya?! " i hear a voice from the door and when i look i see niragi. i don't say anything i just stare back with pained look. i'm still heavily breathing and i go back to what i was doing since i was starting to bleed out.

i grab clothes and bandages and go all that stuff while niragi comes over to me. as i finish putting the bandages on, i fall down slightly on the bed weakly. niragi doesn't say anything but he lifts me up and carry's me. i'm to weak and stuck in shock to say anything about it so i just stay still and silent.

" you don't have to answer yet, but how long have you had the blade in your side? " he asks and i stay silent still, i'll most likely say later, i guess i didn't see him come in. " how.. long were you.. there..? " i ask taking slight breaks and breathes throughout my sentence.

" i heard your crys from down the hall so i walked over and saw the door open the when i creaked it open more i saw you taking the blade from your side " he explains calmly while walking up the halls, most likely to his or my room. soon we get to his room and he opens the door.

he walks over to his bed and slowly and carefully bends down to let me off his back and sit on his bed, i do just that and he gets up again and sits next to me. " i'm sorry you got hurt " he says in a calm voice to me. i look down and start to feel super tired. i rest my head on niragis shoulder then i fall asleep.

niragis pov

i'm gonna find whoever did that to chishiya and shoot their fucking brains out, i will torture them until they don't know how to scream anymore. i hate these fucking games, how the fuck are we supposed to survive if they leave us with bullet wounds and blades in your side?! i even remember ann once had a large deep scar right on her stomach.

i feel chishiya rest his head on my shoulder and i look down at him slightly to see him asleep. i smile slightly at the sight. he's so cute. i decide to let him rest and i lay him down, putting a blanket on him too. i kiss his forehead and go in my bathroom to get a towel and put warm water on it to put over his forehead to keep him from having a temperature, i learnt that from him actually.

i feel bad since chishiya is the closest to a nurse we have here, ann is smart with medical tools but she can't bandage let alone get medicine and pretty much anything that a doctor does. i finish wetting the towel and i go to put it over chishiyas forehead. i move some of his hair out of his face and i lay the towel over his forehead.

i also notice the blood on the side of his hoodie and i know he doesn't like being dirty most of the time so i unzip the hoodie and grab one of my zip up jackets and put the new jacket over him, i leave it unzipped just in case it gets to warm for him. i decide to stay with him just in case and i sit in a chair so if he wakes up he's not uncomfortable or anything.

i then also slightly fall asleep in the chair.


sorry for short chapter again, i have school in like 3 hours😭😾


okay ty for reading 😋

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