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chishiyas pov

i start to wake up feeling still very tired. my eyes felt heavy and sore but i got up anyways and went to have a shower. i turned on the water and almost boiled myself alive with the water but it doesn't really matter to me. i stepped out of the shower and wrapped the towel around me while blow drying my hair

it surprises me how much free time i have. when i was done, i got ready into a white hoodie with swim trunks. they are so ugly but you have to do what you gotta do. i go over to my bedside table and grab my earbuds and record player thing, i put my earbuds in my ears then turn on the record player.

we only have one system of listening to music and only two record players in the beach, one for parties and hatter allowed me to have the other one when i asked if there was any way of listening to music. both systems had the same music so i have to listen to whatever plays at the beach parties, usually a lot of people get bored of the same songs but it's whatever.

currently i was listening to the song Feel Good Inc by gorillaz. it's not really my type of music taste but after listening to it for some time, i've gotten quite fond over it, not my favourite tho. i walk down the hall and flights of stairs to get to the main area and as always it's packed with people waiting to be let free to get outside. quite scary how many psychos are here, many belong in a mental hospital.

i glance my eyes over and see a specific militant holding his gun like he always does, talking to aguni while smirking. he's one of the many people who need to be put in a mental hospital. i start to turn down the music.

i walk over to him, if he wants to recover before his game he's gonna have to rest. or else it's death. " i thought i told you to be resting? " i say to him looking up with my hood on. he looks down at me and smirks. " why are you so concerned? " he asks while facing me and aguni leaves.

" maybe because i am supposed to be taking care of you, if you don't rest now it's sudden death and i'm sure you don't want that. " i explain to him while glaring at him. " i don't need you to take care of me, i'm not going to die i'm niragi fucking suguru. "

" want a bet on that? " i ask him while glancing up at him and grinning. " always up for a challenge. " he replies while glancing down at me and smirking. " sometimes i wonder what goes through your head " i say while looking down slightly grinning about how dumb he can be sometimes.

" everyone wonders that, it's funny to see them give looks, especially knowing i could kill them at any stage i wanted " he says back while looking ahead. he takes out a cigarette from his pocket but i take it off him before he even gets a lighter out. " what was that for? " he asks while looking at me.

" you wanna get lung cancer and die from a game? pretty embarrassing if you ask me " i explain to him making him think for a second. he rolls his eyes and doesn't grab the cigarette. i grin and throw the cigarette away. " your pretty annoying sometimes you know that? " he says to me while putting one of his hands in his pocket.

i chuckle to myself for a second. " be lucky i helped you with the bandages. " i say to him while looking up again. " speaking of bandages, tomorrow i will need to re bandage them. " i explain to him as he rolls his eyes again but nods. after a while of awkward silence, we part ways and i go off to find kuina as he goes god knows where.

time skip

it's been a few hours and the sun is now slowly starting to go down, i want to listen to music on the rooftop so i say goodbye to kuina then make my way up there. " whatcha doin? " a familiar voice says from behind me as i walk up the second flight of stairs.

" going to the rooftop. " i say as the raven-haired psycho walks next to me, with his gun in hand and some blood on his hands. " had to kill some traitors, it wasn't very fun, they kind of accepted their death and didn't scream whatsoever. how annoying. " he explains while wiping one of his hands on his shirt and putting his gun over his shoulder again.

" sometimes i worry for you " i say to niragi while looking at him with a concerned look. " i get that, but it's a good thing, at least for me. " he says while smirking and putting of of his hands in his pocket again. we start to get to the fourth floor walking down the hall to the rooftop stairs and as we walk we hear..

" ahhhh!! fuck asher please! "
" wait, be patient reiji.. "



i'm kind of uncomfortable

me and niragi walk in an uncomfortable silence as we walk past the screaming.. and we walk up the last tiny flight of stairs to the rooftop and shut the rooftop doors. " why did you follow me? you need to go rest. your playing with your life i hope you know that " i say to him while putting my hands in my pocket and looking up at him.

" and you ask that now instead of when we were at my room floor? " he says while smirking. " that's not the point, the point is hatter will kill me if you die because you are 'important' to this beach so if you die he will blame me. " i say to him while not grinning just glaring at him.

" sounds pretty fair to me if i do say so myself " he says sarcastically while chuckling to himself. " i'm leaving " i say to him but he just keeps following me, then i think of something. we take a slightly different route down the stairs to avoid uncomfortableness and i walk down the hall to the third floor. niragis room floor to be exact

i walk over to his room and then stop infront of his door. " okay now open the door, if you wanna keep following me then you might as well follow me in here so you can rest. " i explain to him moving aside to get him to open the door. " do it yourself, as you said i gotta rest " he says while smirking at me. this idiot.

i roll my eyes and grab his wrist to see the code on his bracelet. '076' i read on it and i put the code into his door lock, it opens and i walk inside his room with him following after me. " okay now rest. " i say to him pointing to his bed. " if you want me to rest you also have to, you need to take care of me do you not? " he asks slyly. this little..

" you said 'i don't need to be taken care of' am i right? " i reply back slyly. " but you still need to am i right? " he answered and this could go just keep,going back and fourth. i sigh. " what do you want " i ask giving up.

" get in the bed with me, that's the only way you'll get me to rest " he says confidently. " your a pain you know? " i ask him more in a telling way but he nods and smirks. " chop chop doctor, don't wanna keep the patient waiting " he tells me while walking over to his bed. i roll my eyes and shut his door, locking it.

i walk over and while he gets in i also get in awkwardly and i stay t least 2 feet away from him. " your boring y'know that? " he tells me raising an eyebrow. " you get what you get and you don't get upset " i say teasingly like a 2nd grader would. he rolls his eyes but closes them after and soon enough i assume he fell asleep. i slowly start to get up from the bed to leave but i feel my wrist get tugged and i fall backwards back on the bed.

a lot closer to niragi this time. well. this is my life now. i sigh and then just close my eyes and try to fall asleep. who knew my day would end being suffocated by a certain psychopath. after a few minutes i fall asleep which makes me almost happy knowing that i will forget anything and everything while asleep.


sorry for republishing this i saw a mistake and it made me so mad😭

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