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•||Ch2: Family Troubles||

•||Ch2: Family Troubles||•

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"Thank you for your help and keeping it all secret. Or else I might have to face the complete destruction of my family's company," I shook hands with Saim, feeling my restlessness settled a little.

If not Saim then I would have to struggle very hard to get the loan for our company. Right now no bank wanted to give our company any loan without any guarantor or otherwise we had to put our company or house as a collateral for the loan, which my father never wanted.

"There's no need for thanks. It's a win-win collaborative project for both of us. Tomorrow I'll visit the bank with you," Saim said, glancing behind me.

"Crush?" I asked him, narrowing my eyes and smiling at him.

He stunned and moved his eyes at me then shook his head without any fluctuation.


"Ah!" I nodded and felt a bit disappointed.

Disappointed because I wanted to tease him and needed some big gossip, very big gossip to share with Saba.


I sighed in disappointment inwardly.

Our lunch arrived quickly just as we were done with our small meeting and dug in. During lunch, every now and then he glanced through my shoulder at someone, who, according to him, was his cousin, and glanced hotly.

The disappointment in my heart turned into amusement. This could be anything but not what he was avoiding. With a huge grin on my face which Saim didn't notice, we both finished our lunch then walked out of the restaurant after paying the bill.

While paying, I glanced at the side where his cousin was sitting with a man who claimed to be her boyfriend but to my disappointment they were not there.

Ah! I so much wanted to see a love triangle!

Soon we both parted our ways as we walked out of the mall, which belonged to Saim's father. I asked the driver to drive home but halfway I received a call from mom.


"Come home quickly, son. Your father just returned home last night from hospital and from this morning his siblings are here to surround him with their lawyers," Mom cried in panic.


I felt anger bubbled inside me as I listened to her with a frown.

"Take a deep breath, mom. Calm down. Have you called Tariq?" I asked her, calmly.


"No.. I.. Just please return home quickly," Her voice quivered.


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