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•||Chapter 4: For Better or Wrose||•

•||Chapter 4: For Better or Wrose||•

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|| A N M O L ||

I looked at the dull yet colorful canva and closed my eyes, letting a tiredful sigh left through my lips.

12 hours.

That's how long this painting took.

"It's so... looked mysterious," Mehrun's voice sounded from behind me.

I opened my eyes slowly and glanced at the painting then turned to look at her with a smile, hiding my emotions inside perfectly.

"Tomorrow is final and both the qualified teams are from your family. So, Miss Mehrun, how are you feeling? Who do you want to win?" I put my painting brush in front of her.

Instead of answering, she laughed at my question. But the bright light in her eyes got dim and overlapped my painting atmosphere. She looked over my shoulder at my painting with a shallow smile.


My mouth opened apart at her response because I understood the underlying meaning in it. I turned back to my painting, put my brush aside and stood up with a smile.

"Let's go somewhere," I told her, walking to the closet.

I cleaned the painting from my hands quickly and changed into casual dress. I removed the clip from my hair and let the fall behind in loose curls.

"So where are we going today?" She asked, sounding excited as I locked the door of the small attached room where I was painting.

"To my small world," I answered her, putting keys in my purse and pulling her out of my room.

A small world which was left behind. An escape from this big world for me.

"Be careful, girls. And have a good evening," Dadu's voice came from the living room.

We both stopped in front of the living room and waved goodbye to her before walking out of the house.

"Your dadu is as happy as my family now," Mehrun whispered as she sat in the passenger seat.

"Didn't I tell you!" I winked at her and started the car.

She played soft music in the car while I drove to my escape world.

"Wow...! This. Is. Pure. Heaven."

I chuckled at her response and nodded my head in agreement as I pushed on the buttons of the remote, controlling the curtains of glass walls and lights. Curtains rolled around the corner pillars, letting insiders to see the beautiful outdoor garden.

"Outsiders, other than the elders of my family and some gardeners, don't know about this place," I told her as I watched her aweing my paintings.

"Why? And why don't you open this place for the public as an art gallery? It's really beautiful and your paintings... Girl, you are a genius painter that borns once in a century."

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