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•||Chapter 37: Bittersweet Aftermath||

|| A N M O L ||

Her eyes held panic as the box blasted and everything caught on fire. Watching her running here and there, my heart died. Soon her figure vanished from my vision and I stood in the farthest safe corner. I threw the water from the drum on myself and stood there with my mouth covered with my wet sleeve.

"Your life is a lie, sweetheart."

"Everything around you is a lie."

"Only fools like you believe in everything."

These words echoed in my ears and fazed my brain.

Why did you hide everything, dadu?



His voice was like an anchor to me that pulled me out of the world that was drowning me in.

One month later.

"Where are you going?" I asked Faisal as I entered the room and saw him getting ready.

His back hadn't healed properly yet and he was getting ready like him.

"Office. As much as I am enjoying your service of taking care of me, you all need to be taken care of. So I have to go and earn for you," He answered and approached me, taking my hands in his and kissing them.

"Be ready tonight. I'll take you out for dinner," He added softly and kissed my forehead.

I helped him buttoning his shirt silently and let him do what he wanted. I also had some unfinished work left. After helping him, I followed him to the dining table for breakfast.


Mom looked at him with concern then turned to me.

"He wants to earn and support the family," I answered her unasked question, sitting beside him.

"I thought you were enjoying your paid vacation at home like a critical patient," Dad commented, sipping his tea and side glanced at Faisal.

"I was but seeing you burning in jealousy for the attention I am getting from your wife too, I thought to have some mercy on you," Faisal replied to him with a smile.

Mom and I chuckled at them and helped each other in serving breakfast. After breakfast, Faisal headed out the door and I walked with him to the car.

"Your back isn't healed yet. Be careful," I told him in concern.

"I will. And you take a proper nap," He whispered, smiling at me.

I watched him getting in the car and waved bye. Instead of letting him drive, mom gave him her driver.

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