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•||Chapter 20: Thousand Words Silence||•

•||Chapter 20: Thousand Words Silence||•

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|| A N M O L ||

I raised my empty eyes at Laraib as she sat on the coffee table, in front of me, with a smile as she stared at me.

"I am seeing how pathetic you are looking right now, Anmol," She said, titling at her head.

I moved my eyes away from her and looked to the right side, at the window wall. Rain droplets were continuously hitting it with the loud rumbling of thunder in the background.

Here my eyes were dried of tears now but outside the clouds were still raining with loud thunder. It was like for a second that they were crying for me, crying over my fate.

"How you hated the word second woman but exactly became a second woman in someone's life. A second woman between two happily engaged people," Her mocking words were really working in shattering my already shattered numbed heart.

I sniffled and took a shaky breath while trying to numb my heart again.

"Have you ever loved someone?" I asked her in a whisper and moved my eyes from the window back at her.

"Love?" A laugh escaped from her mouth like I told her a joke.

She laughed until tears came from the corner of her eyes. She wiped them and looked at me with solemn expression.

"Love never exists in my dictionary. Laraib Shah never loves anyone. If anything then it's men who fall for me on their knees and beg," She told me with arrogance in her voice and eyes.

"It's good for you then," I whispered, then moved my eyes back to the window.

"What do you think they did in that single hotel room?" She asked amusingly.

I closed my eyes for a second then opened it again and looked dead into her eyes.

"Faisal can never do this. I believe him," I told her firmly.

But she behaved like she didn't hear me and continued sprinkling oil.

"Faisal and Saba. Late at night. A single room. One bed. And-"

"And it's false," I stopped her before she completed her with some words that holed my heart again.

She chuckled at my aggression and got up, leaving me alone finally. I lowered my eyes and stared at the bracelet that Faisal gave to me and bit my inner cheeks to stop the tears that were welling up in my eyes.

Where was I wrong in this all? What had I done to deserve this all?

Humiliating in front of so many people. Being vulnerable without any clue.


I stayed on the couch for a very long time, caressing and tracing the bracelet carefully while questioning my life and love. I heard Laraib's footsteps as she returned but it was still away from me while the proposal video of Faisal's was flashing in front of my eyes again and again, constantly reminding me of Laraib's words.

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