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•||Chapter 33: A Chance to Us||•

•||Chapter 33: A Chance to Us||•

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|| F A I S A L ||

"ANMOL!!" I screamed her name and sat straight.

A shiver ran in my body when cool air hit my sweaty body. I gasped for breath while looking around the room. I ran my trembling hand on my face which had drops of sweats sliding down.

It was our room where we both sat while working on our tasks. But now she wasn't here. My heart picked up the beat, sending waves of anxiety. I stood up on my shaky legs and looked for her in the washroom, wardrobe. When I couldn't find her, I rushed out of the room and looked in other rooms.

There was no sign of her anywhere. Seeing her nowhere was making me more anxious about her and on top the dream I had just now was making me restless. If I didn't see her, I would go crazy.

"Anmol?" I called her but there was no answer again.

My legs weakened and I fell on my knees, trying to gasp for breath which was shortening. But my heart was beating rapidly and my hands were shivering with sweats forming on my body. Knowing very well that another episode of panic attack was coming and I couldn't do much. Because my mind was constantly filled with negative thoughts relating to Anmol.

Even if I wanted to divert my mind to stop this episode, I couldn't. The blood I saw in my dream was flashing in front of me.

Suddenly, two wet arms wrapped around me and despite being cool and wet, provided me with warmth. My head was put on the small shoulder and hands were rubbed on my back.

"Try to breathe, Faisal," Her sweet voice sounded so distant yet so close.

It was like I was in an abyss and she was my only anchor that was pulling me towards the seashore. I tried to reach for her but my head lighted.

"Breath along my heartbeat," She said, putting my shivering hand on her chest.

I felt the beat of her heart and tried to match her rhythm. I didn't know how long it took but soon my breath slowly became stable. Her wet hair was teasing my face as I inhaled her scent on her shoulder.

"Are you ok now?" She asked me with worry.

I hummed in answer and lifted my head from her shoulder. She was drenched from head to toe meaning she was swimming because there was a slight smell of chlorine on her.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked me, standing up and stretching her hand towards me.

I put my hand in her and stood up slowly then pulled her in a hug.

"Just don't leave me," I replied to her, holding her carefully but closer to my heart.

My voice was weak and heavy due to the after effects. And I was feeling so exhausted both mentally and physically. I hated this, being so vulnerable and that too in front of her.

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