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•||Chapter 11: Place in His Heart?||•

•||Chapter 11: Place in His Heart?||•

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|| S A B A ||

I smoothed down the creases on my dress and stared at the entrance of the venue. Ms. Reina and Rachel had already arrived and here I was running a little late.

"Ms. Saba?"

I was about to head inside with my invitation in my hand when a familiar voice stopped me. I turned around and saw Me. Haytham coming my way.

"Mr. Haytham. Thanks for the invitation," I greeted him with a nod and thanked him pointing at my invitation.

Just a small conversation of a few seconds but the attention I got by talking to him was numerous. I could feel so many eyes probing my body and trying to make holes. This unwanted attention was making me uneasy and uncomfortable.

"Let's head inside," I made a gesture with his hand for me to walk first and followed me along slowly.

When we both stepped inside, someone stopped him to talk and also got me involved in their conversation. I wanted to excuse myself but they weren't giving me any chance to leave.

"What do you do in your free time?" He initiated the conversation as we both were left alone.

Compared to outside, the attention, indirect gazes, we were getting inside the hall was much more. It was understandable since the man beside me was the new CEO of the famous company. The legend in everyone's word, that was what I heard from my colleagues. I took a deep breath to calm the uneasiness inside.

"Checking on my cat in the UK," I answered, looking for Ms. Renia in the crowd.

"A cat? I didn't know you have one. Did you adopt on your own? Or someone gifted you? Your friend? Fiance?"

"Mr. Haytham!" My head snapped to him when I heard his question.

I clenched my fists and tried to look away from him but his powerful gaze had pinned it. It was like he could see through me, my past, my brain and.. my heart. I felt myself exposed in front of him.

"Call me Haytham only," He gave a smile that was not just a smile but something that shook my heart.

I felt my breath snatched for a second as my body almost shivered with chills. I tried to break free myself from his pinning smile and gaze but failed. It wasn't until the same person who left us, came back calling him and taking him away from me, that I felt myself free from his dangerous magic.

Just as he left, everyone stared at me openly, making me feel naked. I wanted to run away when I saw few ladies coming my way, looking at me up and down with a frown.

"Tsk. Such an old fashion trick," A beautiful manicured hand from my right side held the wrist of one of the ladies in front of me with a click of her tongue as the wine glass was about to fall on my dress.

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