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When we step back down, I immediately search for Jay. All I want to do right know is be with him. Hug him, kiss him, feel him.

But I don't see him.

Instead, I find Skylor in the kitchen.

"Hey, sorry that I disappeared for so long. Nice to see you", I greet her. I instantly feel sorry for not looking for her before. But I was too nervous because of my conversation with Nya.

"I'm fine", she answers. "Vania warned me. So, I came a little bit later. How was the talk? You seem to be in a good mood."
"How much did Vania tell you?"

"Just that the conversation will decide if you can date Jay."
"So ... she told you everything." I can't believe it– next time I see Vania, I will kill her for it. She can't tell Skylor all of my secrets.

The woman gives me an apologetic smile. "Don't be mad at her. I asked for it and it's not like I'm gonna tell your secrets to anyone."
"Yeah, I know."
"But your conversation went well, I guess", she changes back to the original topic.

"Yep. But now I really want to meet up with Jay, but I don't see him."
"I think he's in the living room."

"Do you want to come with me?"
"I don't think you want me as a third reel."
"But I feel bad. I invited you and now I go from one person to another and don't spend my time with you." And also, Vania said I should keep an eye on you.

"No don't worry. I actually want to meet up with two people from high school and that's why I came. They go to university with you, so I hope they're here."

"Shade and Ash. Do you know them?"
"Oh yeah." But it's not like I like them. "They went to school with you?"

"Yeah. But we lost touch. After our conversation last week, I thought much about friendship, and I decided that I miss them and want to give them a second chance if they want one."

"Are those the people Vania told me about? The people I should protect you from?"

Skylor's eyes widen. "Oh – so Vania not just told me your secrets, but also told you me secrets."
Now it's me who smiles apologetic. "I guess."

"Well ... no. Those are not the people. I didn't know the two boys before they threatened me."

"What?" My eyes widen.

Skylor signs. "When my father first turned famous, I went to a party, but after some time with no friends and just borings small-talk conversations I decided to leave. I wanted to walk home, but then there were these two guys, trying to sexually abuse me."

"Oh my god." My heart instantly feels heavy, and a sharp shoot of pains goes through my whole body. So that's the reason, Vania wanted me to protect Skylor. "I'm so sorry to hear that. Have you talked to someone professional about it? Do you feel okay? Is that a bad question to ask? Sorry, I don't know how to react."

"Don't worry", she tells me. "It never happened, so I seem to be fine. When they pushed me to a wall of an unilluminated side street, I cried for help and a boy our age showed up in just the right time. He intimidated them by using words, no violence, but it worked, and they ran away. I wanted to thank the guy, but he was already gone. I've never seen him again."

"Okay – wow." I actually don't know what to say. "But just because they didn't get what they wanted, doesn't mean that you have no trauma of it. Are you really fine?"

"Yes, definitely." She smiles. "And now I think it's time for you to go find Jay. Or carry on your talk with that girl." She points with her head toward Nya, who stands next to the snacks and looks like she tries everything to not observe us.

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