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All of our friends and family are long gone when I enter the lobby. I take a few seconds to breathe and think about the plan. I just need to tell one interviewer that Jay and I broke up – that's it. Then I'm free to go.

But just thinking about it hurts. I don't want anyone to have this wrong view on our relationship. I love him too much. Even if problems will eventually hit us, I won't break up with him without talking things though. Without trying to solve the problems and working on ourselves. Just breaking up after one tiny incidence would be stupid.

When I step outside, the cold December air hits my body. I'm not a person who easily starts to shiver, but this temperature is cold, even to me. So, I bury my neck and as much head as fits, deeper into my anorak.

It's nighttime, that's why not many photographers are here anymore. We planned it this way, so that Cliff hopefully has gone to sleep and will read the article tomorrow morning. And even if he hasn't – it's too late to come to the hospital now. They won't let him in.

When I step towards the photographers, they all get excited and turn their cameras on my face.

"Mr. Brookstone, you spend these last days nonstop in the hospital. Isn't that a bit much for a boy you just met?", the first one asks.

"Cole, can you tell me anything about Jay's health? How's he doing?"

"Can you tell us what happened?" 

I take my time to rethink the plan and search for a question that suits the information I want to tell them.

"Cole Brookstone, how do you feel?"

That's it. That's the question I'm going to answer.

"I'm sad, so please leave me alone." 

Obviously, they don't. "Oh no, what happened? Has something changed in Jay's health status?"

I fake a sigh. "No ... it's not that. We kind of ... we had a ... a fight ... It's difficult, okay? Just leave me alone." I try to sound angry.

Good thing I find my dad on the parking lot this second, so I turn away from them.

They ask some other questions, but I ignore them and climb into my dad's car. He needed to pick me up because he drove me here a day ago and I don't have my car with me.

"Has it worked?", he asks.

"Yeah, I think so."

"Good. Would you like to talk to me, or try to get some sleep while we drive home?" 

"I don't think I will sleep at all tonight, so ask your question."

"I don't have one. I see that you feel miserable, but there is nothing I can chance till tomorrow. Jay needs to bring Cliff to say that he's guilty and if that happens, you two can be happy again." 

"And if it doesn't ... this man, who committed sexual abuse and tried to murder my boyfriend will still be living in his big house with lots of money and will be acting like nothing ever happened."

"Yep, I see. You're not in the mode for positivity." My dad sends me a knowing smile. "I'm sorry, I won't say anything if you don't want to talk. But I did my best to make your night at home bearable."

"What do you mean?"

"You're going to see it in a few minutes."

Our house looks normal when I step through the door. Everything lays in the dark till my father turns the light on. But when I walk the steps upstairs and open my bedrooms-door, I see that something has changed.

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