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We all gather round in our groups at the large grass field in front of the woodland area, ,rs willow is about to tell us what our first game is. Mrs willow is wearing yet again another sun dress and a floppy hat and she's handing out sunscreen for everyone as the sun is beating down on us. I am already quite tan but I feel like I am burning alive right now. 

I lather it all over my legs, they are probably my biggest insecurity. I feel like they are massive but to be honest they are kinda muscular as i did running as a kid and they make me look athletic, which isn't that bad. I rub it on my nose and cheeks as I always burn there and I look like a tomato.

 I look up and Logan's eyes are on me well his eyes are on my legs then they travel up my body lingering on my chest and up to my eyes, his eyes widen for a moment releasing he was been caught then he just winks at me and what the hell, since when does a boy winking ever actually work because right now i am very warm and i don't think it has anything to do with the sun. 

I whip around away from him and tighten my pony tail and walk towards Jack who's sitting on the grass under the tree at the side of the field. "Hey Jack, you good down there?" I ask him as I plop down onto the floor he turns around and smiles at me and I laugh at the thick patch of sunscreen on his nose. "You got enough on your nose there?" He just laughs and shakes his head and lays it on my shoulder.

 "Uh Luna loo it's too warm to run around in!" Jack finishes with a sigh and I giggle. We end up talking about why the sun should disappear but then Mrs Willow shouts for everyone to come round. Jack stands and pulls me up and we head over and I stand next to graham."Jay looks like he's about to die of excitement." 

Graham whispers down at me and I laugh , catching the attention of Daisy and she flicks her hair and scrunches her nose. "Dude does she ever give it a break with the bitchy ness" a voice startles me and i turn around to see Logan towering over me. 

He smirks at me and I quickly turn back around. Mrs Willow pulls off her hat and smiles at me before clapping her hands to get everyone's attention. "Ok hello everyone today we are doing outdoor activities and this is how it works, we have 6 lovely teams and by the way i love all the names" she says with a quick wink at me and continues. 

"So we will start with a game of capture the flag then races and finally a game of football!" The boys cheer and Logan shakes my shoulders and I laugh. "Ok boys first we are doing capture the flag so calm down" the other teacher next to Mrs willow shouts to quieten down the boys. "Ok so the rules of capture the flag is simple: each team gets a flag like this" 

Mrs willow hold up coloured sheets of fabric "you must hide it and protect it and stop the other teams from getting it, you will be able to go into the woodland area but are not aloud to go past the picnic area" she then hands out the 'flags and tells us to get into our groups. There are 3 girl teams and three boy teams including me, one of the boys teams is full of nerds and the other is a bunch of random boys who I don't know. 

The girl teams are pretty much the same. You have 'team hotties' and then the other teams are just girls in our year who I don't know. The boys all huddle together and I am smashed against Logan and Graham and it's pretty intimidating standing so close to them all. They all stand over me and are chanting about how we will win.

 I remember school sports day back in primary school before my dad got sick and he always came to my races and I used to win just to show him my sticker, ever since he passed i haven't been able to run on a track. "You have 10 minutes to hide the flag go ... NOW!" The male teacher shouts and Jay screams to follow him and so I do and we all head in the direction of the woods, everyone else is behind us on the field.

 "Has anyone ever been here before?" Jay asks us and I nod and all their attention is on me, "if we follow the narrow path down there are taller trees' 'I say to Jay who looks like he is thinking for a moment and suddenly a light bulb pings from his head and he runs down the path. I thought I would struggle to keep up with Jay but Jack is the one struggling at the back, we reach one of the tall oak trees. 

My shirt is stuck to my back due to all my sweat and I take deep breaths. "Ok Luna loo you have to trust me on this but i need you to get in the tree" he says with a pointed look at me, what the fuck is this man on? "Why do I need to get in the tree?" I ask and he shakes his head. 

"If you're up there with the flag no one can get you and we can leave Jack here to defend and the rest of us can try to steal the other flags!" he's got a good plan but it does mean i have to sit in a tree for the rest of the game but if it means we win, "sure but one problem i can climb good but i can't reach that branch" i hear laughing next to me and of course Logan is throwing his head back with laughter before grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the tree and kneels down.

 I look down at him with wide eyes and the boys act like they know something and laugh. "Luna hurry up, get on my shoulders" Logan says and i am hit in the face with realisation, that is why hes on the floor right.

 "Oh no, no i might be too heavy" i whisper low but they all hear me and stop laughing and Logan stands up and smiles at me. "Luna you're fine, plus my sister is as heavy as a building and i can pick her up"he says making me laugh and he kneels down again.

 With shaky legs i go onto his shoulders and without a grunt of complaining stands straight up and i nearly shriek actually i think i do because wow. "I have never felt so tall" I say as I look down on the boys and wave chuckling. "5 minutes left everyone!" Mrs Willow's voice from a distance snaps me back into where I am. 

Logan goes toward the tree and I grab a hold of the branch and pull up using all my strength and straddle the branch. Logan moves away a bit but puts his hands out in case I fall down. I know I will be fine. I have been climbing trees my whole life, I always liked being taller than everyone for a change.

 I swing my leg round and grab a hold of the branch above my head and stand up, i pull up onto the next branch which is wider than the other and choose to sit there with my back against the middle to steady myself. "Wow that was actually impressive Luna loo '' Tim says in awe from below and I smile down.

 Logan grabs the 'flag' and chucks it up to me and I catch it and he smiles up at me showing his adorable dimples, kill me now. They all agree from below as I get myself comfortable up in the tree that Jack will stay here with me and Tim will wait with Graham outside the woodland area and chase people. Finally Logan and Jay will attempt to steal 'flags' and hand them up to me.

 They then shout team tiny and run off and jack slouches against the tree looking up at me with his brows touching. "What are you thinking about?" I say and I tuck my legs into a basket. He tilts his head and opens his mouth then closes it.

 He repeats this three times before I hit him on the head with a bit of bark from the tree that's become loose. 

"When are you gonna tell Logan you like him back?" 

he asks and i choke on the air and nearly fall out of the tree, WHAT? 

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