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I am filled with disappointment when Jack says he actually doesn't have a plan yet so instead I am lying on the grass basically sun bathing. We have ten minutes left and the boys are on fire. They have scored 10 times while team awesome have scored only two times, one at the beginning and one when Logan 'accidentally tripped', jack has left me to go see how the other teams are so now i am on my own.

# I have my eyes closed and I feel trickles of sweet slide down my forehead and I sigh. "You ok down there?" The voice startles me and I pop one eye open to see a blond girl who I have never seen before stand above me smiling. "Yeah I am great just dying a tad" I say and smile, 

the girl laughs and nods her head. "I saw you running it was fucking amazing, you should join the school track team" she says and i nod my head but i am kinda freaking out on the inside its been a very long time since another girl has complemented me.

 "I am Hannah by the way and i am captain of the school track team so i hope to see you when school starts" she says as she walks over to team swifties. I smile and I feel so giddy I chuckle. Jack falls to my feet with a thud and he's breathing heavily. "Why do you look so happy? I am in so much discomfort!" he shouts as he rolls onto his stomach and fake cries. 

I patted his back and with a smile still plastered on my face. "We still winning?" I ask him and he grins up at me and nods his head. "We have 3 minutes left and the other teams have mostly scored like 4 goals" he says and my smile grows bigger which is weirdly possible. Me and Jack just sit in the sun until Mrs Willow shouts that the games are over and we are heading to the picnic tables where we will discuss the winners.

 I stand up and drag Jack to his feet with all my might even though my legs wobble as they still hurt. I wince in pain when i stretch my leg out, not stretching properly was really dumb. Arms wrap around my waist and yet again I am in the air, how many more times is this going to happen? "We totally won this tiny!" Logan says and shakes me about and drops me to my feet making my grunt in pain from the impact of the floor.

 He looks down and draws in his eyebrows and tilts his head, "what's wrong?" he asks in a low voice and I laugh. "Nothing, I just didn't stretch right and my leg hurts" I say and turn to hug Jay who is waiting patiently for me to notice him next to me. I whisper well done to him and he nods.

 We all start heading towards the woodland area and I am in between graham and jay again. Until a hand tightly grips my forearm making me halt and spin round, just to see Logan smiling down at me. "Wait there" he says as he steps in front of me and squats. "Hop on tiny!" he shouts and I laugh. "Not a chance" I say with a laugh as I walk around him and AGAIN I am in the air. 

"If you don't go on my back i will just carry you like a little box tinny" he says into my ear and i shiver but get myself back together when he just starts to walk forwards. "Why a little box?" I ask and he laughs and it vibrates through me and I freeze. I let my body go limp and sigh when he just continues to walk and ignores me. "Fineeee" I say and he puts me down instantly, well that was easy. 

He rushes in front of me again like if he doesn't move fast enough i might change my mind, which i might. I jump on his back and he bops me up and I put my arms around him and he just walks normally like a human isn't dangling off his back.

 "Knew you couldn't resist going on my back" he says and i hit his head with my free hand. We go past the tree i was in and go down a path deeper into the area and there is 8 picnic tables and each team is sitting at one, Tim and jay are talking and don't notice us walking forward but jack notices and is smiling like a proud mum at me and even weirder graham has a weird proud dad look but looking at Logan. Strange boys.

 Logan drops me onto the side with Tim and Jay and he goes and sits on the side with graham. Sadly Jack is in front of me and is kicking my foot and trying to talk to me with his eyes, he just looks dumb. "Are you having a stroke?" Tim asks Jack and he shakes his head and looks down but the shit still keeps kicking me and he is getting more violent. 

Then he hits my sore leg and I swear quietly under my breath. "What you say Luna loo?" Graham says looking at me and my eyes widen and I say nothing and give jack a dirty stare as he laughs quietly. I feel eyes on me and look up and Logan is looking at me then at jack with a sour face. Mrs willow comes up to our tables and places sandwiches for us all and a bottle of water each for us.

 "Well done Luna, I haven't seen you run like that in ages," she says and squeezes my shoulder "he would be very proud of you" she says and walks to the other table. Shit, i feel them looking at me and a part of me wants to cry partly because of what Mrs willow said another part is that the boys will now want to know what she was talking about.

 I take a breath and look up but they all look away and take their sandwich and eat, well that's not what i expected. To be honest i wish they did ask me because i would have told them because they don't make me feel judged but maybe another time then. 

The feeling from before returns, the feeling of someone watching me I look up and the clear blue eyes in front of me are filled with curiosity and safety and I smile at him.

 I would definitely tell him if he asked. I think I would tell Logan anything if he asked me.

 I think that's the thing I am most scared of. 

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