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the night before 

I shove my sweaty hands into my hoodie pockets. We left our school at noon and it took us 7 hours to get here. I chose comfort over beauty and shoved on grey joggers and a hoodie for the road.

 I sat alone with a window seat at the back of the bus with my headphones in and a book in my hand, i personally don't mind being on my own but half way up my teacher Mrs willow sat next to me claiming "i looked sad" to be honest i wasn't though i was thoroughly enjoying a book without any distraction. 

I didn't mind Mrs Willow sitting with me as she's one of the sweetest teachers alive, she helped me a lot when my dad was sick. We mostly talked about the surroundings until she noticed my book and asked about it, but how do you tell your teacher whom you adore that you're basically reading porn on paper? You simply just don't and so i quickly told her it's just a silly romance book and returned to our previous conversation.

 Currently I am following Mrs Willow and another teacher to my nightmare. They just made the decision where I will be sleeping and it's not good.

 I grasp a hold of the Bannister and take the steps two at a time to keep up with the teachers who are way taller than me. I am 5'2 so of course they are taller and much faster. We are heading up the staircase into a separate floor, we are heading to the boys floor. 

The complex consists of 3 floors, the ground floor with a large hall and a kitchen plus a smaller room with a TV and couches for people to hang out in. floor 1 has got enough rooms for all the girls well except me of course and each room has a bathroom, then you have floor 2 which has been allocated to the teachers and the boys, oh and now me. 

I hope the boys rooms are laid out like the girls with 3 bunk beds and a bathroom with a lock because if they expect me to share a bathroom without a damn lock they better think not. Mrs. Willow and Mr. Unknown stop outside a large wooden door. 

I guess this is the room I will be staying in for 8 days, yay. To my surprise the man goes into the room and Mrs Willow turns to me with a wide smile and to be honest if I didn't know how sweet she is i would think she's faking it but in reality she's just so damn nice. 

"Well Luna your room is two doors down would you like me to come with you or are you ok to go in alone" is she for real, she expects me to go into a room full of boys and what say 'hey i have no friends so i must sleep here, hope i dont bother you!'.

 yeah that's definitely not happening i would rather die. "Uh Mrs i would rather you come with me and, um explain why i am in their room" i say this all in a quick breath and colour rushes to my face i don't want her to embarrass me nor do i want to be an issue for her, all the other teachers are in their room relaxing and now she needs to help me because i am a wuss.

 "That's fine, don't worry i am here for you Luna'' and with saying that she heads towards the door, me though i am stuck to the floor this could go both ways one i could be stuck in a room with loads of creepy history nerds and i know for sure there are a lot of them here, or i get put in the room with the few popular boys who came on this trip.

 Neither scenario seems to be good. If i stand here for long enough maybe the floor will engulf me and i would disappear. It doesn't and I am still left standing in the cold depressing hallway. Mrs Willow steps into the room and starts to speak to whoever is inside.

 I am currently too far away to hear or see anything inside the room so I take two large steps forward and take a deep breath.

 Right when I go to open the door it swings right into my face and hits me smack in the face, "Luna where- oh my lord Luna are you OK?".

 I grasp a hold of my nose as a shooting pain runs up my face, laughing comes from inside the room and I look up, I am met with the most beautiful blue eyes. oh shit. 

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