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I drop my head onto Logan's, we just entered the building and heading for the stairs and he's still not put me down. "Please for the love of god put me down, i can go up the stairs ok" i say with a whiny voice and i just get ignored.

 I turn my head and see an elevator, which we have passed many times and I just haven't noticed. I yank a bit of Logan's head and he stops and cried in pain, "what was that for?" he says and I laugh. "Don't be a baby, I hardly even pulled your hair now go over there '' I say and point to the elevator but he doesn't move.

 "I am not moving over there until you apologise" Logan says and i huff, i spit out a sharp sorry and he nods and walks towards the elevator, finally. He taps for our floor and it doesn't take long for the doors to slide open. Inside the elevator there is a mirror on the opposite side and a small light that looks like it's about to blow. 

Logan steps in and taps the button for the doors to close but right before it does a hand jerks into it making them slide open.

 Stupid Jack walks in with a wide grin and stands next to Logan. "I couldn't be bothered walking and saw you little lovers go in here and decided i would join you" he says grinning up at me, i wait for a few seconds for Logan to, i don't know correct him and say something like "we aren't little lovers" but it never comes he just nods his head and squeezes my leg.

 I hold my breath when I realise his arms are on my bare legs, it didn't register in my brain before. "You up up there tiny" Logan asks and i just nod my head, i turn my head to the mirror and see jack looking at me already. He's trying to talk to me with his eyes again but failing. The elevator pings and we all head out and go to our room.

 Logan doesn't put me down when we get in the room, oh no of course he dint. He took me all the way to my bed and placed me on my top bunk. Once my but is on the bed he turns around and grins, his face is very close to me right now as we are like the same high minus i am a tad higher than him.

 I lean my head down and think for a moment, could I kiss him right now? A loud cough brings me out of my trance and I look over Logan's shoulder to see all the other boys on yet again Graham's bed across from us.

 "Are we interrupting something here Luna loo?" Jay says with a cheeky smile and I snap upright and point at Logan's nose, "he had dirt on his nose" I say and jay laughs. "Yeah from where he face planted" Jay says and laughs even harder. 

Logan blushes and tilts his head to the ground. Logan still hasn't moved from in front of me and so instead of waiting for him to do something I just un-tie my laces. Suddenly my hand is hit away and Logan gives me a disapproving look as he shakes his head, "tiny i told you already, you must rest before our movie!" he whisper shouts at me so the boys can't hear us but I am sure they are being nosy and listening in.

 I whisper sorry back but I still hold a confused expression. Then he does the most bizarre thing in the world. He starts to untie my laces and then pulls my shoes off. Did Logan Thomson just take my shoes off like I am a princess? "Where's your book?" he asks me as i just stare at him, he then nudges my foot getting my attention. 

I point towards the windowsill and he walks over there and grabs the book but instead of walking back over he goes over to the boys and they start to whisper things which i couldn't hear. I grab my hair tie off my wrist and tie my hair into a messy bun and crawl over to my pillows and lay back, my muscles ache and I close my eyes.

 "Mind if I join you? i got your book" a voice whispers into my ear and a shiver runs down my arm. I pop open an eye and Logan is standing waiting for my answer and as soon as I nod my head he is climbing up the ladder and is next to me in my bed. 

This is now the second time he's next to me in my bed and it's kinda scary. "We are all going to rest for a bit now" Tim says and winks at me from grahams bed and I laugh, they are all sitting against the wall with there long legs dangling off the bed and the cover is loosely spread over all of them.

 Graham and Jack are 'looking at their phones' but they are looking over them and at me and Logan. I roll over into my side and my back is facing them to only realise Logan is also on his side but facing the boys and me. 

His face is so close to mine I can feel the warmth of his breathing and his hands are up against his chest, mine are tightly held close to my chest as well. He gulps and I watch as his Adam's apple bobs up and down then suddenly he moves his hand and pushes a loose strand of hair from my face, he keeps it there not moving a muscle.

 Is Logan about to kiss me? 

authors note

should he kiss her now? or  wait for later at a more special time? 

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